Castlevania an adult animated action horror drama series on Netflix. Based on a Japanese video game of the same name by Konami, the last three seasons are based on the characters in the game. As new as it sounds, the series is fresh and unique in its own way. The creator of the show is Warren Ellis and the directors are Sam Deats, Adam Deats and Spencer Wan. Castlevania initially planned as a film in 2007, released as a series after Adi Shankar boarded. Rotten Tomatoes rated the last season an 8.64 out of a 10. The third season ended with a cliffhanger. Ever since fans are waiting for the fourth season to arrive.

Release Date 

There have been long gaps between the seasons of the show. However, this hasn’t lessened the fanbase at all. With that being said, the viewership of season 3 passed the viewership of season 2. This definitely gives them a reason to renew the outstanding anime series. Netflix renewed Castlevania for a fourth season on 27th March 2020.

Season one and season two had a 15-month long gap and seasons two and three had a 16 month one. Therefore it is likely that season 4 will release in 2021 summer. Although the pandemic might have delayed the production of Castlevania Season 4. After that, Adi Shankar working on other projects like Devil May Cry might become an obstacle.


Season 3 gave plenty of options to continue for a season 4.

Alucard becomes lonely after his father, Dracula’s death. Taka and Sumi who are former vampire slaves visit him. He teaches them how to fight vampires and Belmont holds secrets. However, the pair betray Alucard’s trust and try to kill him. Just when Alucard had started being comfortable with their presence, he kills them with the help of his magic sword. The Dhampir has only one weakness i.e. his humanity. The betrayal of Taka and Sumi breaks his heart completely. Maybe he will embrace more of his vampire side in season four. This is definitely not good news.

Meanwhile, the Council Sisters have something cunning going on up their sleeves. They take care of Hector and make him believe that he needs a master to control him. Lenore gives him the slavering. In return, he has to build an army for the Sisters to expand their territory towards Braila.

Isaac wants to carry forward his master Dracula’s wishes. In order to that, he must kill Hector and end humanity. We will see Isaac and Hector’s fight in season 4. Trevor and Sypha manage to stop the resurrection of Dracula. But at a huge cost ‘the destruction of Lindenfelfd’. The pair is likely to come to Alucard for help. However, Alucard is turning more and more into Dracula. We will see how their meeting goes in season four.