Violet Evergarden is a Japanese anime series adapted from a light novel of the same name. The book’s author is Kana Akatsuki and Kyoto Animation published it back in 2015. Kyoto Animation decided to make a 13 episode season 1 based on the book. It was directed by Taichi Ishidate. Netflix then decided to take up this very authentic and unique series.
About Violet Evergarden
The story is in an era of automated dolls. Dr. Orland decided to make dolls to assist his blind wife, Mollie, for writing novels. People then decided to use these dolls for various services. The show is about Violet Evergarden, a nameless girl and her tragedy. Her battle skills were put to use in the war. She had a purpose in life then.
After the war commences, she loses her hands as well as Gilbert. Gilbert is the guy who makes Violet a human. Now she has lost everything that she knew of, except Gilbert’s last words ” I love you”. She wants to become an automated doll to learn the meaning of his last words. Therefore she joins CH Postal Company and becomes a ghostwriter.
What Will Violet Evergarden Season 2 Be About?
Season 1 was released in 2018 and received quite some appreciation It won the Best Animation award at the 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Awards. The first movie Violet Evergarden: Eternity and Auto Memory Doll gave some answers to fans. Anime film, Violet Evergarden the Movie released recently in 2020. With so much focus given on the light novel, fans hope there will be a Season 2. There were some rumors about a Season 2 but there is no confirmation yet.
Release Date Of Violet Evergarden Season 2
There is no confirmation about a season two in the making. Therefore we have no release date yet.
Cast Of Violet Evergarden Season 2
Yui Ishikawa gave voice over for Violet Evergarden in Japanese and Erik Harlacher in English. Claudia Hodgins’s voice over in Japanese was by Takehitu Koyasu and Kyle McCarley in English. Gilbert’s voice over Daisuke Namikawa gave in Japanese and Tony Azzolino in English.