The American animated series in the genre of a situational comedy occupies a solid rating position among the popular programs. Cartoon heroes created by cartoonist Matt Groening became famous all over the world. The Simpsons season 33 release date is scheduled for September 2021. Fans are delighted with the official announcement by executive producer Al Jin about the release of the thirty-third season of the beloved animated series.

The longest serial in the history of American television, which began back in 1989, has repeatedly succumbed to criticism from politicians. This is due to the fact that famous personalities are openly ridiculed in the plot, slippery topics are touched upon. The production does not hesitate to depict many famous people in satirical form, emotionally exploring sensitive issues.

THE SIMPSONS: Lisa stays home from school to explore the wonders of Western art. She appears as Lisanardo, while Bart takes the shape of a French impressionist, Homer and Marge as Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and Maggie as a warrior Cupid in the “Now Museum, Now You Don’t” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, Oct. 11 (8:00-8:31 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS © 2020 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

So, we are heading to the town of Springfield. At the center of the comedy is the typical American family. Homer is the head of the family who loves to lie on the couch and watch TV. Often gets involved in the most incredible stories. Together with his devoted wife Marge, they are raising three naughty children. Always comes to the rescue of his spouse. She loves to go to church, although her household does not share her passion for religion with her.

The eldest child, Bart, is taking time off from school with his friend. Lisa is the middle child of the Simpson family, enjoys playing the saxophone, and does well at school. Little Maggie is the youngest and most gifted child in the family, who knows how to handle absolutely any firearm, which is a hassle for a caring mother.

Release date The Simpsons Season 33

All fans were waiting for official information about the extension of the satirical show. New episodes of the best animated series can be seen soon, the release date of the 33rd season of “The Simpsons” is scheduled for September 2021.