Adult Swim’s most beloved animated series Morty & Rick’s season 5 release has been a huge success, providing Twitter users with a variety of interesting emojis.

For the past two months, the Rick Morty Twitter account has been sharing sneak peeks and trailers of its upcoming Season 5. The latest was today. Rick and Morty is Adult Swim’s most popular animated series. It premiered in December 2013 and has been re-released five times. Season 5 brings some new Emojis to Twitter users.

A 3-minute clip taken from season 5’s episode “Mort Dinner Rick Andre”, has been released by the creators of the series. Rick and Morty often mock some of the most well-known media works, such as Voltron and Jurassic Park. Season 5 will see more such humor. The trailer shows that season 5 is no less than its predecessor in terms of its Absurd Storylines. It also includes the Superhero joke and a Goofy horror Themed Episode which is based on Hellraiser.

Rick And Morty Season 5 Storms Twitter With Its Emoji

Many Rick and Morty hashtags, along with their emojis, are being shared on Twitter. Some of the emojis include Rick and Morty’s portal guns or Rick’s ships, as well as Rick emojis with the hashtags: #rickandmorty #globalrickandmortyday @rickyourself

Adult Swim’s 70-episode contract with creators Justin Roiland & Dan Harmon has shortened the time it takes to release consecutive seasons. Season 5 will be released within a year of the season 4 premiere, unlike in previous years which took up to 2 and a half years.

Fans of Rick and Morty have been left wondering about the future of Rick and Morty since the end of season 4. Common curious thoughts include: What will happen to the Smith family? Will the Galactic Federation continue its search for Rick in space and through time?

These thoughts have been brought to light by the Season 5 trailer, which reveals a theme about the Smith family working together. It promises Summer and Morty that they will overcome their sibling love-hate relationship.

The trailer shows Jerry and Beth trying to mend their broken marriage. Adult Swim will release a new episode each week. This season features Rick and Morty’s chaos antics in a 10-20-minute episode. Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty season 5 premieres tonight at 11 PM ET.