‘Hotel Transylvania’ is an American computer-animated comedy film franchise. It comprises of 3 animated movies, 3 graphic novels and 2 short films at the minute. Nevertheless, they are all set to have a fourth installment of the series, produced by Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures animation.

‘Hotel Transylvania 4’ is a follow-up of ‘Hotel Transylvania 3’. The movie consists of a Dracula who owns a hotel, his daughter, Mavis and his human son-in-law, Jonathan. They are led by the voices of Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez and Andy Samberg.

In the second part, the family welcomes a new addition to their clan, Mavis and Jonathan’s son, Dennis who becomes an eminent part in the next movies. The plot summary of ‘Hotel Transylvania 4’ is still unknown. But we surely can look up to a story as riveting as the other chronicles.

The tale is pivoted on a plaza hotel owned by the Dracula, which being a relaxing place for monsters and evading prying human eyes. A tale full of adventures and twists with a slight emotional tinge to it. Moreover, most of the characters are contingent to Universal Movie Monsters.

In spite of the fact that the films received mixed reviews from critics, they grossed $1.3 billion across the globe. This is in contrast to the combined budget of production which is $245 million. Truly a remarkable success!

Hotel Transylvania 4
Hotel Transylvania 4 Fan Made Poster

The first part of this franchise was released in September, 2012 followed by ‘Hotel Transylvania 2’ in September, 2015. ‘Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation’ came in July 2018. They really outdid themselves!

The announcement of development of part 4 was made in February, 2019 and is all set to release worldwide on August 6,2021. The movie will be directed by Jennifer Kluska and Derek Drymon, on a script written by Tartakovsky. According to reports, it is releasing earlier than it’s expected date due to Sony Pictures’ schedule shuffling.
But don’t they say – The earlier, the better!