Deadwind is a Finnish TV series which includes crime drama and Nordic noir genres. The show is directed by Rike Jokela and is created byJari Olavi Rantala, rike jokela and Kirsi Porkka. The actors is the show are Pihla Viitala, Lauri Tilkanen, Jani Volanen and Tommi Korpela. The show was first aired on March 14th 2018 as season one with twelve episodes followed by season two with eight episodes. The show was streamed first in Netflix and had been rated IMDb 7.2/10. The series is about Sofia Karppi a detective who investigates a murder of a woman. The season two was premiered on April 5th 2020. The series received positive reviews from its audiences.
Deadwind Season 3 cast
The entire cast from the previous season will be back for the next season. The cast list is as following.
1) Lauri Tilkanen acted as Sakari Nurmi
2) Jani Volanen acted as Usko Bergdahl
3) Pamela Tola acted as Anna Bergdahl
4) Eedit Patrakka acted as Armi Bergdahl
5) Elsa Brotherus acted as Isla Bergdahl
6) Tommi Korpela acted as Alex Hoikkala
Deadwind Season 3 plot
The show is about a detective who is a widower and a mother of two. She handles a case of lady who was murdered. The body of the lady was found later in a rural area buried in the land.
Deadwind Season 3 release date
The season three is to come up with the solutions to the cliffhangers after season two. Season two was of eight episodes. The creators confirmed the renewal of third season. The season three has been delayed till August 2021 because of covid 19 pandemic.