Bridgerton is an American TV series that includes the genres period drama, alternative history and regency romance. The show is created by Chris Van Dusen. The series is adapted from Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. The show casted a list of brilliant actors which includes Adjoa Andoh, Lorraine Ashbourne, Jonathan Bailey, Ruby Barker, Sabrina Bartlett and Joanna Bobin. Till now the series came up with only one season which started airing on December 25th, 2020 with a total of eight episodes and the series is produced by Sarada McDermott, Holden Chang and Sarah Dollard. The show was premiered on Netflix and has been rated 7.4/10 by IMDb and 90% by rotten tomatoes.
The confirmed cast list for the new upcoming season two has been announced. The list involves.
(1) Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington
(2) Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton
(3) Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton
(4) Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton
(5) Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton
The story for the series has been taken from the novel and season two is also expected to be about the book. Season two is expected to focus on Anthony’s quest.
Release Date
Bridgerton has been renewed for a second season by Netflix and the series is expected to be start filming in early 2021. It is expected that later of this year we will have season two of Bridgerton.