Black Summer is an apocalyptic series created by Karl Shaefer and John Haymes. The series premiered in April 2019 and relies on on ‘Z Country’, another zombie show that was released in 2014 and concluded in 2018. Both series are stated to be a part of the same universe.
Fans have long awaited the release of Season 2 for Black Summer which proceeds the events of Z Nation. The release will be on the horizon, they’re wondering when it will release.
Really, really excited for Black Summer season 2. Season One totally captivated me and made me scared of zombies again.
— Justins Gaming | Outlaws for Life (@Justins_Gaming_) June 7, 2021
Release Date
Black Summer Season 2 is expected to release on Thursday, 17th June 2021 on Netflix. The release date is shown on the official preview.
The 17th of June is the US national holiday, National Eat Your Vegetables Day. So, if you’re in the united states or anywhere else really, get your greens and gather your strength for the zombie apocalypse…on Netflix’s Black Summer!
Cast And Plot Prediction
The cast for Black Summer Season 2 is as follows:
- Jaime King as Rose.
- Justin Chu Cary as Spears.
- Kelsey Flower as Lance.
- Christine Lee as Kyungsun.
We expect Zoe Marlett will also return as Anna, though that hasn’t yet been confirmed.
Black Summer Season 2 is expected to pick up where Season 1 left off. Following the events of this scene. We see in the trailer which the group has lived until winter and confront new dangers from individuals in addition to zombies.
A Plane can be observed going over them that the team mentions could be their ticket into discovering somewhere safe away from their existing place, with Rose asserting her daughter they’ll get on the airplane. The end of the trailer has Rose telling her daughter to not allow them to take her living.
Season 2 is set to reveal both the vulnerability and intensity of this group as we saw in Season 1, they are not afraid to kill liked characters (moment of silence for Valez)…
Part of this trailer shows that 3 of them make it into the airstrip while one is handled by means of a zombie. It is uncertain if this is a reconnaissance group or the final surviving members. In any event, fans can expect to see an intense battle for survival from a group that doesn’t entirely trust each other.
TO TRUST #BlackSummer— Netflix Geeked (@NetflixGeeked) May 18, 2021