Black Summer is an American TV show about the zombie apocalypse. It is created by Karl Schaefer, John Hyams. Black Summer Season 1, premiered in 2019 and quickly made an impact on the hearts and minds of many fans.
The second season premiered on June 17, 2021. There are no safe characters, and there are no safe place. This season is intense and will feature many twisty plots.
This season opens with Rose (Jamie King), her country-folk, and their search for safety. They make it towards a sports stadium in the hope of reaching the plane that supplies sometimes necessities.
Rose’s daughter Anna (Zoe Marlett), was separated from the group in the previous season. Rose found her daughter in this season. This season is all about Rose, Anna and the crew, as they navigate Zombies and other human scavengers in the snowy terrain.
Black Summer Season 2 Ending
The group of country people is split and this leads to a twisty finale of Black Summer Season 2. Newbie Boonie (the guide) tries to escape from the trust issues that caused him to become a victim of scavenger-war and he ends up in a Zombie. Rose and Anna, on the other hand are made prisoners.
Sun (their ally, who split up with them in the previous seasons) is also a prisoner. He had been kept as a servant by Nazeri’s tribe earlier. The whole plot leads to a massacre, with Rose, Anna, Sun and others running from the prison, while locking other prisoners up in the prisons.
Rose breaks Rose’s leg and makes her companions take a gun to her head. Sun slips across the plane, and Anna declines to accept this offer. Mance is trying to attract the Zombies with his loud noises, so that they won’t chase Anna and Rose. He suddenly meets Anna’s crew and unites.
The Black Summer Season 2 reveals some exciting changes in the finale. The next steps of the Sun are also revealed. This season has more action than the previous one and more survival. In this season, each character will face a brutal fate. Black Summer Season 2 streaming now on Netflix