Big Mouth is an adult animated sitcom series. Creators of the show are Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett. The last season received an average rating of 8.67 out of 10 on Rotten Tomatoes. Metacritic awarded the series an average score of 88 out of 100. The show is a binge-watch favourite and fans have loved the show for the past 4 seasons. The fourth season was released recently on December 4, 2020. Fans already want a season 5. Read more to know updates for Big Mouth Season 5.
Release Date
Season one, two and three each released with a gap of one year. However, season four-faced pushback because of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore Season four was released in December 4. We were slightly worried about season five, as this fiasco might mean more delay in the release date of season five.
Series creator Nick Kroll dismissed our worries and said that the team was already working on the script of Season five. Although given the circumstances, we think season five would take about 14 months to arrive. Another plus point is that the show is an animated show, hence covid restrictions are not that much of an obstacle. In conclusion, season five might arrive by December 2021 more or less.
The majority of the cast is coming back for a season five.
Nick Kroll voices Nicholas Arsenio “Nick” Birch, Maurice the Hormone Master, Coach Steve Steve, Rick the Hormone Monster, Lola Ugfuglio Skumpy, Nick Starr and a few other characters. John Mulaney voices Andre Glouberman, Mint, Grandpa Andrew, Babe the Blue Ox and Detective Florez. Jessie Klein voices Jessica Cobain “Jessi” Glaser and Margaret Daniels. Jason Mantzoukas voices Jay Bilzerian and Guy Bilzerian. Ayo Edebiri voices Missy Foreman Greenwald. Fred Armisen voices Elliot Birch, the ghost of Antonin Scalia, Stavros and Bob the Hormone Monstre. Maya Rudolph voices Connie the Hormone Monster, Diane Birch, ghosts of Elizabeth Taylor and Whitney Houston, Principal Barren, Miss Clinkscales and Gayle King.
Season 4 had new additions, Anxiety Mosquito voiced by Maria Bamford, Gratitoad by Zach Galifinakis. They might feature in season five too.
Season 4 ended with Jessi moving back to Westchester to her dad while discovering her true identity. Nick managed to deal with his negative future self and overcame his fears. Each season of the series deals with a certain emotion. Season five might be aiming for emotional trauma. However, we are still not clear on the theme yet. The calm that season four finale provided might be before the storm in season five.