After Life is a British dark comedy-drama series that was first premiered on March 8th, 2019 on Netflix. The show received adore due to its deep and sensitive plot. Fans assert the cast members have played their personalities to perfection and they could relate to the protagonist in some ways as it follows the real subject matter. The good news is that After Life Season 3 is coming as confirmed by Netflix.
Due to the immense achievement of year two, the statement of another season was made on May 6, 2020. Since then, fans are looking forward to the coming season. Here’s everything we know about After Life Season 3.
After Life Season 3: Plot
In the first season, Tony’s (Ricky Gervais) ideal life shatters completely if his wife suddenly dies. At the grieving stage, Tony loses all struggles and hope to live along with not fond of himself or anyone else.
Although, in season 2, we could detect Tony’s behavioral adjustments as he decides to select a new path to live amidst those grieving. It creates new hope for him and his nearest and dearest. As far as season 3 is concerned, we could expect the series to be in continuation of the previous season. Tony is going to be seen once again grieving for his father since he dropped him in the next season.
The show is heart-breaking and emotional despite comic elements. The show’s genre is called dark humor for a reason. The series touches on some sensitive topics such as the unfortunate departure of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, depression, and other realistic feelings we experience when we lose someone close to us. On the other hand, the dark plot is handled with humor but at some point, you’ll certainly become psychological and truly feel sad for the protagonist. After Life is the perfect example of a show that will make you laugh and cry at the same time.
After Life Season 3: Release Date And Trailer
The trailer or teaser both are not out yet. Taking into consideration the fact that this season 3 statement was made on May 6, 2020, it will certainly take some time. We can expect the release date to be someplace in 2021 because this year doesn’t seem promising as a result of COVID-19.
Has The Production Started Yet?
Since the announcement of season 3, we have no news about the production. There were reports that production started in July 2020 however no official reports are there.
How Many Episodes Will Be There?
In the past two seasons, you will find six episodes in each season. We can expect six episodes in the upcoming season too.
After Life Season 3: Cast
Some of the former cast members will come back for season 3 too. Have a look-
- Ricky Gervais as Tony
- David Earl as Brian
- Joe Wilkinson as Postman Pat
- Mandeep Dhillon as Sandy
- Jo Hartley as June
- Penelope Wilton as Anne
- Ashley Jensen as Emma
- Tom Basden as Matt
- Roisin Conaty as Roxy
- Diane Morgan as Kath
- Tony Way as Lenny
- Ethan Lawrence as James
However, Kerry Godliman as Lisa (Tony’s wife) and David Bradley as Ray (Tony’s father) will not return as they expired in season 1 and season 2 respectively. We can expect a few new cast members as well.
Season 3 Will Be The Final Season Of After Life On Netflix
Manager and creator Ricky Gervais is famous to end his shows after two or three seasons and After Life will soon be having the same fate. The Mirror reports that Ricky Gervais has verified that season four won’t be returning.
“I have already made my mind up there won’t be a four. “And you do put those things on the market to make you recall as it’s tempting but… there is an old saying that to direct the orchestra, you have got to turn your back on the audience’. “That is true. The audience believes they want a different one, but they’re not sure. So you have got to be mindful.
After Life is one of the most well-known shows on Netflix UK and has a fantastic IMDb rating as well. So, we highly recommend you all to watch this dark comedy-drama show to feel a lot of emotions.