The famous show Yellowstone is an American TV series. This exciting show includes Drama and Neo-Western genres. The series was first aired on June 20, 2018. And the show was first premiered on paramount network. The show was developed by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson and John Vohlers and Michael Polaire was the producer of the show. It casted all talented actors included Kevin Costner, Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille, Brecken Merrill, Jefferson White, Danny Huston and Gil Birmingham. The show has till now created three seasons. Season 1 was aired with 9 episodes. Then on June 19, 2019 season 2 was released with 10 episodes and season 3 on June 21, 2020 with 10 episodes. The series received positive reviews from its audiences. The series has been rated 8.5/10 from IMDb and 74% from Rotten Tomatoes.
Yellowstone season 4 cast
The final cast list has not been prepared yet but we do expect a lot of characters from the previous seasons will be returning for the new upcoming season. we do expect to see fresh new faces but till now we don’t have any confirmed news to it. The cast includes Wes Bentley, Kelly Reilly, Luke Grimes, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille, Forrie J. Smith, Denim Richards, Josh Holloway, John Emmet Tracey, Q’orianka Kilcher, and Jennifer Landon .
Yellowstone season 4 plot
Till now no plot details has yet been revealed by the creators. Stay updated for more details about the new season of the show.
Yellowstone season 4 Release date
The series has been renewed for a fourth season. as we know the series was first released on June 20, 2018 on paramount network. but for now we don’t have any confirmed news about the release of the season as due to the corona virus global pandemic a lot of production work has been delayed. The countries have been shut down for months now. As soon as the situation of the world will be back to normal the cast will be back to the sets and resume shooting. The season 4 is expected to be out in summer 2021. For more details about the new season stay updated with us.