One thing is for certain: Fox pay-TV will not be on the air until September 30, 2020. The station is being set up, but there is one question that remains: What will become of “The Walking Dead”, its draft horse?
Many of the Fox titles will now be available on Disney + Star. The information regarding the 11th series of “The Walking Dead”, is still not available. This will be broadcast on AMC USA from August 22nd.
Fox could broadcast at most 6 episodes of the new series before the station shuts down. We doubt that Disney will break the season this way. It is possible the final season could be broadcast exclusively on Disney + Star. Like every year, the US broadcast was followed by one day.
Fox UK was already ended on June 30th. Season 11 of TWD will begin on Disney+ August 23rd.
The August Disney + release has been announced, but we believe that Disney will not let this news slip amid other series announcements. Disney will undoubtedly release a press release if TWD Season 11 airs exclusively on Disney +.
What Does This Mean For Broadcasting On Netflix?
TWD season 11 may not be available on Netflix, but Disney+ will.
AMC may have reached fixed license agreements with Netflix to show all seasons of “The Walking Dead” on Netflix. This will allow us to view the final season without delay, even though we switch over to Disney +.