Based on a Japanese manga series, “The Seven Deadly Sins” or “Nanatsu no Taizai” is an action TV anime that features high-fantasy action. The plot revolves around the story’s titular group of ill-reputed warriors that live in Britannia. The series begins with Princess Elizabeth Liones finding the Sins one at a time and freeing her kingdom from the Holy Knights. Later, it is revealed that Meliodas, leader of the Sins, and her fate are linked by curses 3000-years-old.

In the recently concluded season 5 (season 4 according to non-Netflix count as ‘Signs of Holy War’ is considered a 4-episode long special), Meliodas’ father, Meliodas, is defeated by the Sins and his allies. We have the answer to your question about whether or not there will be a sixth season of “The Seven Deadly Sins.”

The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6 Release Date

‘The Seven Deadly Sins Season 5 or ‘The Seven Deadly Sins; Dragon’s Judgement’ (or ‘Nanatsu no Taizai Fundo no Shinpan’) premiered January 13, 2021, and aired 24 episodes. It concluded on June 23, 2021. Studio Deen developed the latest season in collaboration with Korean animation studio Marvy Jack, TV Tokyo, and was licensed by Netflix. The director team was headed by Susumu Nishizawa, while Rintarou Ikeda was the writer. This is what we know about the sixth season.

It was announced in March 2021 that an anime film would continue the story of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ from season 5. This movie would depict the last chapters of the original manga series. Suzuki will direct the story. The title of the project is “The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light” or “Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari Ni Norowareshi Monotachi”. This anime film is the second in the ‘The Seven Deadly Sins franchise, following the 2018 release of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners Of The Sky’ or the ‘Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 1: Tenkuu no Torawarebito.

Studio Deen’s ‘Cursed by Light’ has been developed. Takayuki Hamana is the director, and Rintarou Itkeda adopts Suzuki’s story. The film will see most of the TV anime cast reprising their roles. It is the sixth season of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins TV anime. The seventh season of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’, or ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light’ or the second part of ‘Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari Ni Norowareshi Monotachi’ will be released on July 2, 2021In Japan,?

The Seven Deadly Sins Season 6 Plot: What Can It Be About?

The Sins are separated in the finale of season 5. Arthur and Merlin go to Camelot. King and Diane leave together. Ban takes Elaine with him on a trip through Britannia to taste different ales. Gowther sets out on his journey. Hawk is also on a journey with Merlin and his brother. Meliodas, Elizabeth becomes the King of Liones. Their son is named Tristan by them, and Elaine and Ban call them Lancelot. Tristan turns 10 on his 10th Birthday. He learns all about the Seven Deadly Sins and vows to one day become one.

The Sins will likely reunite in season 6, or “The Seven Deadly Sins”: Cursed By Light. They will soon learn that peace is not possible forever. Meliodas and Zeldris might have to deal with the demon world collapse. The film might feature two main antagonists: Dahila (second king of fairies) and Dabuzu (master craftsman of giants). The primary antagonist will be likely to be the Supreme Goddess herself. She is probably still mad at the Sins for ending Holy War.