The American medical drama “The Residency” first aired on Fox in 2018. The drama follows the adventures of a group of young doctors as they prepare for their medical specialization at Chastain Park Memorial. The series also addresses the bureaucracy of the post-Obamacare US healthcare system. Fox acquired the show from Showtime in 2017. The idea for “The Resident” comes from Marty Makary (a real doctor who teaches and writes on Public Health topics) and works at Johns Hopkins University.
This production was renewed for a fifth series in May 2020 by Amy Holden Jones, who wrote 1993’s “Indecent Proposal” with Demi Moore, Oliver Platt and Robert Redford. We will first give a brief overview of the series. We’ll also reveal the Season 5 premiere date. We’ll also tell you how to catch up on the seasons that have already been released. Last but not least, we remind you that this website posts daily updates regarding the Fox series and your favourite Fox shows. So make sure to check back often for new updates.
When Is The Resident Season 5 Release Date?
The Resident Season 5 is expected to be released in May 2022. This is because the show recently received a second season ordering from FOX. Most TV shows have an official date before they return from sabbatical. These dates are revealed later in the year. The chances of “The Resident”, along with “Our Kind of People”, returning to FOX are very high (per TV Line). Tuesdays at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time. FOX is the most extensive scripted FOX series other than 9-1-1. The network wants the show to have a steady audience.
The Resident Season 5 Plot And Character Story Arcs
Season 2 and 3 were broadcasted during the fall. Season 4 premiered in January 2014 with 14 episodes. Season 4 was produced in January because the COVID-19 virus affected production. We hope this will not be a problem in September when yellow and orange leaves begin to appear. Many of the storylines from the previous season will be carried on in “The Resident” Season 5. Conrad’s child Nikki was born at Chastain. Kip was Chastain’s chief operating officer and did business with Big Pharma to Conrad’s dismay.
“The Resident” appears to be focusing this season on parenting. They will have the challenge of juggling their parenting obligations with their jobs as doctors. Sammie was born at the first season’s conclusion, after a similar adoption between Jake and Greg. While many people deal with grief, the lives and families of the characters grow. A.J. Season 2 will likely address the current problems of A.J. The coworker saved his life. His fiancee left the country and his adoptive mother was also diagnosed with lung cancer. He is hopeful that his ordeal will soon be over.