The New Legends of Monkey is an Australian TV series. The show involves genres including action, comedy, fantasy and adventure. The show is based on the journey to the west by Wu Cheng’en. Directed by Gerard Johnstone, the show also has some talented actors Including Chai Hansen, Luciane Buchanan, Josh Thomson and Emilie Cocquerel. The show was first premiered on Netflix and was first aired on 28 January 2018 with ten episodes as season one and with ten episodes as season two on 7 August 2020. The series is produced by Rachael Gardner and Robin Scholes. The show has been rated IMDb 6.5/10 and 100% by rotten tomatoes.


The cast members from the previous seasons will be back for the new third season.
(1) Chai Hansen as Monkey King
(2) Lucaine Buchanan as Buddhist monk Tripitaka
(3) Josh Thomson as God Pigsy
(4) Emilie Cocquerel as God Sandy


In season 2 we saw resurrection of the Evil Queen, so it is expected that some new plotlines will be seen in the third season. A lot more interesting facts we will get to know about the monkey king in the new season three. Like the previous seasons, the new season will also be full of fiction drama.

Release Date

Due to the whole pandemic going on across the world the filming of the series has been paused for a while. The production has already confirmed the renewal of the show for a third season. We can expect it to be out at either end of 2021 or in early 2022.