On December 16, the streaming platform Amazon Prime Video premiered what should be the fifth and final season of the science fiction series The Expanse, as announced in early October.
Initially, it had been reported that the fifth season of The Expanse would be the last in the series. However, in November fans received the good news that Amazon had authorized the production of a sixth season.
With the announcement of season 6 of The Expanse, it was also reported that it would be the last. In this regard, Amazon Studios television co-director Vernon Sanders confirmed that season 6 would offer fans “the satisfactory conclusion of the series that they deserve.”
Now, it looks like there will be more life to the sci-fi series beyond a sixth installment, according to The Expanse showrunner Naren Shankar, who revealed to EW that “There is more to tell.”
Likewise, the interpreter of Belter Naomi Nagata in The Expanse, Dominique Tipper, spoke at some point with EW about the possibility of the extension of the series after a sixth season.
In this regard, The Expanse showrunner Naren Shankar was interviewed by EW and asked about the extension of the series and this is what he replied:
It is important to remember that The Expanse is an adaptation of the book series. The sixth installment is based on book 6. Therefore, if Amazon decides not to broadcast the continuation of the series, production will most likely stop until another transmitter is found.
Knowing of the existence of three more books of The Expanse, it is likely that adaptations of the series will continue. For this reason, the showrunner said there is a lot of stories to tell about the sci-fi series.