‘Sweet Home’, adapted from the homonymous webcomic, is a suspense series based on a peculiar premise: a world in which people turn into monsters that reflect their particular desires. After losing his family, the sullen high school student Cha Hyeon-su moves into a new apartment, where he will have to face these strange and surprising circumstances.
The role of Hyeon-su will be played by Song Kang, hailed as a rising star after his portrayal of Sun-oh in the Netflix original series’ Love Alarm. ‘ Lee Jin-Uk, whose impressive performance on’ Voice ‘made clear his peculiar knack for playing certain kinds of characters, will be the mysterious Pyeong Sang-Uk. Lee Si-young, known for his intense performance in ‘No Mercy’, will be Seo Yi-gyeong, a character of arms taken created for the Netflix adaptation and who will surely keep webcomic fans on edge.
‘Sweet Home’ also features a diverse group of supporting actors made up of newcomers and veterans, such as Lee Do-Hyun (“Hotel del Luna”), Kim Nam-hee (“Mr. Sunshine”), Go Min-si (“Love Alarm”), Park Kyu-young (“Romance is a Bonus Book”), Go Youn-Jung (“He Is Psychometric”), Kim Kap-soo and Kim Sang-ho (“Kingdom”).
Director Lee Eung-bok (Mr. Sunshine, Goblin: The Lonely and Great God, Descendants of the Sun) is also the producer of the new Netflix original series ‘Sweet Home,’ which premieres today on Netflix. And it features scripts by Hong So-ri, Kim Hyung-min, and Park So-Jeong.