For the first time in 2021, Pedro Sanchez has appeared before the press. The President of the Government has taken advantage of his telematic participation in the European Council to address current issues, especially the breakdown of the negotiation between the Government and the PP to renew the Judicial Power or the latest regularization of Don Juan Carlos. Sanchez wanted to send a clear and direct message, he has saved the current Casa del Rey from the information and practices of the emeritus, at the same time that he has shown his rejection for the uncivil behavior manifested by the former Head of the Been for almost 40 years.
Regarding the truncated negotiations with the PP, the President of the Government has said that I do not understand the blockade. We hope that the opposition reconsiders and that this step was taken yesterday renewal of the RTVE board of directors has not been a flower of a day and the rectification is serious, has been the message sent by Sánchez. From the Government, they placed this week as key to being able to close with the PP a global state pact that included the renewal of institutions such as RTVE, the CGPJ, the Constitutional Court, or the Ombudsman. But the lack of agreement led to the pact for RTVE falling apart from the rest, pressured by the vote this Thursday in Congress, and only hours later, both parties declared the negotiations broken.
The resignation has allowed the agreement. This week we needed to take another step, for that reason the blockade of the CGP and the rest of the bodies that must be constituted by consensus is not understood. We have been flexible proposing alternatives, taking steps, he wielded Sanchez, unloading the responsibility for the blockade on the PP asking that there be no vetoes. An affirmation that highlights that the discrepancies of the PP and United We Can regarding the candidates have blown up the possibility of a pact.
Telephone contacts and meetings intensified throughout the day on Thursday, with no progress. Judge José Ricardo de Prada is one of the keys. It was one of the names that appeared on the list of Moncloa, which negotiates on behalf of the PSOE and United We Can. The PP has insisted on vetoing any candidate related to Pablo Iglesias’ party. He considers that De Prada is, and does not agree with his appointment as a member of the Judiciary. This is one of the judges in the Gürtel case. From the PP they point out that he has not been chosen by his colleagues within the judicial shift nor has he collected guarantees for it. Therefore, they consider that it is a fraud of the law since what they believe is being tried is that a judge enters the Council through the back door, by the turn of lawyers, without having obtained the guarantees Enough of your peers.
Faced with the vetoes of related candidates from United We Can, the purple formation has responded with the same coin, in this case focusing on Alejandro Abascal, who was one of the candidates proposed by the popular ones. Intimate of Casado that is behind the Dina assembly, has been the description that Jaume Asians, president of the United We Can parliamentary group, has made of him. Popular sources claim that they are not aware of this veto and that Abascal is still on the list of proposed candidates. The purple ones have also pointed to Maria Tardon, former councilor of the PP and collaborator of Faes Asians pointed out, alluding to the fact that in 1999 she was elected councilor of the PP in the Madrid City Council under the mandate of Jose Maria Alvarez del Manzano and held the positions of third deputy mayor and councilor of Security of the Consistory, returning later to the judicial career.