Michele Morrone (365 DNI) has finally revealed if he was single or in a relationship. 

This is a question that many are asking! After the rumors of backfire between Michele Morrone (365 DNI) and his ex-wife Rouba Saadeh, is the Italian actor still single? It must be said that since the success of the sulfurous Netflix film in which he lends his features to the mafia Massimo, the young man is at the center of all conversations. Now with more than 11.5 million subscribers, many of them follow him and want to know every detail of his private life. In reality, Michele Morrone is still single, even if he tried to live a love story, without success, after the shooting of 365 DNI. For Rádio Zet, he said: “Of course, we do plans, for example, to buy a house, a car, find love. However, I don’t have time for love. ”

Michele Morrone added: “Because I tried to have a relationship as soon as I finished shooting the movie, but I was not ready … I was not ready and I did not have time. I do not know, maybe tomorrow or in a week, I’ll be at the bar, I’ll smoke my cigarette and I will watch. it will be so “wow” and I fall in love. I do not know. it’s something that has to flow, you can’t plan. ” As you will have understood, the 30-year-old Italian actor is indeed still a heart to take, especially because of his very busy schedule, but believes in real love at first sight! Still about Michele Morrone (365 DNI),