How to Block Third-Party Cookies in Chrome?
How to Block Third-Party Cookies in Chrome?

Do you want to block third-party cookies in the Google Chrome browser? If so, in this read, you will learn how to automatically block third-party cookies in the Google Chrome browser.

How to Block Third-Party Cookies in Chrome?

Cookies are data files created by websites you visit which makes your online experience easier by saving browsing information. Cookies are placed on the device which helps the user to access a website, and more than one cookie may be placed on a user’s device during a session.

By default, Chrome blocks third-party cookies in Incognito mode but not in normal mode. So, if you don’t want the Chrome browser to save cookies in normal mode, you can block them when you browse the websites on Google Chrome. In this read, we have added the steps by which you can block third-party cookies.

Block Third-Party Cookies

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your system.

2. Click on the three-dots icon at the top and select Settings.

Chrome Settings

3. Tap on Security and Privacy from the sidebar.

Manually Block Third-Party Cookies

4. On the next screen, click on Cookies and other site data.

Chrome Settings

5. Select the checkbox for Block third-party cookies.

Manually Block Third-Party Cookies

Once done, restart the browser and the third-party cookies will be blocked automatically while browsing.


So, these are the steps by which you can automatically block third-party cookies in the Google Chrome browser. I hope you find this article helpful; if you did, share it with your friends and family.

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