Created by Luke Pearson, Hilda is a British-Canadian Netflix Original animated television series based on the comics and novels of the same name, which follows the adventures of fearless Hilda, the protagonist. Along with her deerfox Twig, this blue-haired travels to the city of Stolberg, where she conquers even the most dangerous monsters.

The series aimed at kids is one of the best Netflix has commissioned thus far and will be coming in the time of the holiday season. It is one of those rare shows which has been less affected by the Covid 19 pandemic shutdown situation and was able to continue producing episodes.

The Release Date Of Hilda Season 2

Hilda is returning with its amazing and unique art style and whimsical story for which it has been praised. From the NY Comic Con panel, the 2nd season of Hilda was announced on October 2018. It will be released on Netflix on 14th December, 2020, which has been confirmed by releasing a brand new promotion poster on Twitter.

The Plot Of Hilda Season 2

The first season covered many portions from the original source material including Hilda and the Troll, Hilda and the Midnight Giant, Hilda and the Bird Parade and Hilda and the Black Hound.

So the second season is most likely to cover the latest books including Hilda and the Stone Forest, Hilda and the Mountain King and parts of unreleased materials.

The upcoming season consisting of 14 episodes will be featuring a song about the fact how Hilda is trying to learn from the mistakes she made. The song named “The Life of Hilda”, written and performed by Bella Ramsey, was released on YouTube on 24th November, 2020 and will feature at the end of an episode of Season 2.

The Cast Of Hilda Season 2

We are more likely to hear voices of,

  • Bella Ramsey as Hilda
  • Daisy Haggard as Johanna
  • Ameerah Falzon As Frida
  • Oliver Nelson as David
  • Rasmus Hardiker as Alfur
  • Reece Pockney as Trevor
  • Ako Mitchell as Woodman

The amazing character design is one of the highlights for Hilda. They look cute and gorgeous. Their twitter account also posts sneak-peeks on new characters every Thursday.