The ABC Network’s ground-breaking true crime documentary series, The Genetic Detective focuses on the advantage of the revolutionary technology of genetic genealogy which utilizes DNA samples retrieved from crime scenes and then uploading it onto a genetic database. This documentary story revolves around crime thriller and drama genre.

The series follows the story of investigative genetic genealogist CeCe Moore who uses her unique research skills to transform the face of crime solving. The suspense and the storyline made the show attractive to its viewers.

The Release Date Of The Genetic Detective Season 2

The first season consisting of six episodes released on 26th May, 2020 and was wrapped up on 30th June, 2020.With an average of 0.35 rating in the 18-49 demographic and a viewership of 2.8 million each incident, the documentary retains an excellent prospect of being renewed.

We are optimistic to get a formal statement on the second season from ABC within the next few weeks. Once the show is renewed, we can expect Season 2 to premiere in May 2021.


CeCe Moore, the professional hereditary genealogist is expected to return in the next edition as well. Moore has previous experience in hosting shows like Your Roots’ and Genealogy Roadshow.

The mind of the Parabon Nanolabs Genetic Genealogical Unit and a specialist in tracking down criminals with the assistance of genetic profiling, she has given closure to multiple households till now.

What to expect in the Upcoming season?

We can expect to see CeCe Moore and her staff at Virginia’s Parabon Nanolabs narrating the adventures of solving confusing cold cases. In the first season of this documentary series, we saw the crew operate with Seattle’s Snohomish County Sheriff Office to solve double homicide of a couple and then solving a 1998 murder case of Sherri and Megan Scherer.

Sensational cases such as the murder of Angie Dodge and a homicide of a 80-yaer old woman in Fort Wyne were covered in the show. CeCe also find out the man behind 2006 to 2008 rape cases in Ramsey Street, Fayetteville and North Carolina. The finale episode was about 2018 rape case of Carla Brooks.

Season 2 is expected to cover more such intriguing cases which the fans are eagerly waiting for