After the sixth installment of the series aired in January 2020, Netflix viewers are eager to see Grace and Frankie again on TV. A delightful update has finally been released. Netflix’s longest-running series, Grace and Frankie, is returning with Season 7. Filming has already begun. You can find more updates here.

“Grace and Frankie,” one of the most popular Netflix original TV series, is viewed over 1.3 million times. The audience was eagerly awaiting the next season after Season 6 ended. Marta Kauffman created the show, which stars Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin. The show was originally renewed last year for Season 7 and was set to premiere in January 2021. The seventh installment was delayed and filming stopped due to covid. Fans have something to be happy about as “Grace and Frankie,” has begun.

Netflix’s “Grace and Frankie”, the popular series on Netflix, revealed that Season 7 will be a surprise to its viewers. It will feature Grace, Frankie, and Robert in a very entertaining manner. The audience will see surprises like never before in the seventh installment. The sad news is that Season 7 will be the final time we see the iconic duo.

Season 7 Production Status for “Grace and Frankie”.

Season 7 of “Grace and Frankie”, is in development. Filming began last Season. The pandemic forced the producers to stop filming. After a long wait, the seventh season’s shooting has resumed. We can expect the return of the beloved duo very soon.

Season 7 of “Grace and Frankie”, Release Date

Netflix has a tradition of dropping new seasons of Frankie and Grace in the first month. Netflix failed to deliver season 7 in January 2021 because of the dramatic rise in covid-19 cases. With production moving at a rapid pace, the next season will drop in January 2022. The final season of the show will feature 16 episodes. Netflix will end the series after seven seasons of delivering 94 episodes.

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