The GLOW (Gorgeous Wrestling Ladies) series of Netflix’s Emmy was recently renovated for a fourth and, unsurprisingly, last season. The series involves female wrestlers in the ’80s. Meaning that actors are close physically in touch for a number of scenes. It was a major red flag during a pandemic but the role of Wrestling in GLOW meant that without endangering the wellbeing of the cast it was not possible to work around these scenes.
A cast including Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin, as well as Sydelle Noel, from the Group in their respective fields.

But while GLOW seems to have survived the Netflix season three pandemic narrowly at first, COVID-19 triggered major production delays because of limited locks and films. But as long as the crew ended before the lockdown in the fourth season, it now looks as though fans will not see it.

Here is all about the fourth season of GLOW you need to read.

Season 4 Cancellation by Netflix

When production was suspended, GLOW was three weeks into season 4 shooting. One episode had already been done and Netflix revealed the cancellation was worked on by the producers. Deadline claimed that under the cancellation there were a few factors, most importantly because of the extreme physicality of the series. GLOW Season 4 is likely to be for a release in the summer of 2020 from previous years, although this is prior to lockdown and cancellation of the show. But, need not worry! The season 1, 2 and 3 of GLOW are yet on a blast and are streaming on Netflix.

The storyline of GLOW Season 4

GLOW tracks a group of women who are reinvented as the Great Wrestling Ladies in the 1980s in Los Angeles. All were in their personal and professional lives. The gang of GLOW split up in Season three. Carmen left the group, Sam is now filming his daughter, while Ruth obviously declined Debbie’s offer of a director’s position. Season four, then was that the girls were coming to Los Angeles. Now, they and Bash have a TV network in Debbie’s new Wrestler show. As part of the GLOW reinvention of TV, the contestants undoubtedly took in new individuals and faced several personal problems.

Expected Cast of Season 4

Alison Brié was supposed to direct Ruth ‘Zoya the Destroya’ Wilder as her former closely linked friend, Betty Gilpin, Debbie ‘Liberty Belle’ Eagan. Arrow’s Sydelle Noel was about to take up her place as Cherry’s ‘Black Magic’ Bang. Also as Rhonda Britannica Richardson as singer Kate Nash. Marc Maron (Sam Sylvia), Britt Baron (Justine ‘Scab’ Biagi), Gayle Rankin (Sheila ‘the She-Wolf’), and Tammé ‘The Welfare Queen’ were all able to return. They were all prepared to return.

Netflix has not spoken about the future of GLOW. Also, the continued enthusiasm of its fan base shows that this colorful series has not been seen.