‘Brendar the Barbarian’ is an upcoming live-action puppet comedy television series. It is created by Mike Mitchell (Trolls, Lego Movie 2) and expert puppeteer Drew Massey (Mutt and Stuff).
The series will premiere on Nickelodeon. Since Nickelodeon (in its 41st year) puts kids first in everything it does, this would surely be on a kid’s top list.
Brendar the Barbarian season 1 Cast
The show’s main characters are – Evan, a troll seeking adventure in his life and Brendar, a female warrior who is on an expedition to rescue her brother from a demon.
Brendar the Barbarian season 1 Plot Summary
‘Brendar the Barbarian’ narrates the story of Evan, a bridge troll and Brendar, a fierce female warrior. Since, Evan has never ventured out from under the bridge he decides to explore the world for the very first time. He is in search of inspiration to fulfill his dream of becoming a singer.
Evan then meets Brendar, Gothmoria’s most revered and feared warrior. She is on a quest to save her brother from an evil demon. Subsequently, they move across treacherous terrain and confront bizarre and magical creatures.
Along their journey and encounters with a motley puppet cast of wacky characters, they both realize that they are better together and form an unbreakable friendship. All is well that ends well!
Brendar the Barbarian season 1 Release Date
On September 23, 2020, ‘Brendar the Barbarian’ was officially announced. The filming has started in November 2020. Needless to say, we can expect the series to premiere on Nickelodeon in 2021.
“It’s amazing to work with such talented creators like Mike and Drew” stated Shauna Phelan, Senior Vice President, Live-Action Scripted Content. “Their imaginative puppetry, uniquely cinematic vision, and hilarious voice to make this show like no other.”
“Brendar the Barbarian is a truly original series that kids and families of all ages are going to love.”
Nickelodeon being the best!