At first glance, bottle feeding seems simple. All you need is a sterilized bottle and a baby formula prepared according to the instructions on the packaging or your own expressed milk. Unfortunately, in real life, the task is a bit more complicated. However, we know that bottle feeding can go smoothly and without surprises. In this article, we provide answers to the parents’ most frequently asked questions.
How Much Baby Formula to Give to the Baby?
According to the doctors’ recommendations, babies should receive about 5-7 servings of milk daily in the first six months. In the first month, giving the baby around seven portions of formula, approximately 110 ml each, is recommended. Give your baby six portions of formula daily, 120-140 ml each, in the second, third, and fourth months. From the fifth month, four portions of milk, 150-160 ml each, should be given daily while introducing the first complementary foods to the baby.
However, you know best how much milk your baby needs because you watch it daily and see how it develops. Some babies need a little less, and others need more milk to develop properly. Besides, just like adults, children have their good and bad days. One day your baby’s appetite is good; the next, your little one eats only half of what it did yesterday. This is natural and should not worry you.
How Often Should I Feed My Baby?
You can always check the feeding schedule on the package of baby formula. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stick to it. Children are different, and so are their needs. Some like to eat their fill once per 3-4 hours, and others prefer smaller portions of HiPP Dutch formula, but more often. Babies usually quickly get used to certain feeding times, thus establishing their schemes.
How Do I Know When My Baby Is Full?
When the baby is calm and happy after the meal, and you can hear it burps after feeding, you can assume it is full.
If the baby still seems hungry after a meal, give it some extra formula. However, if your little one wants to eat too often and is gaining weight too quickly, try other ways. Perhaps your baby prefers to eat more often. In such a situation, increase the frequency of meals, offering the baby slightly smaller portions. It is also a good way to avoid possible colic and bloating caused by too greedy swallowing of milk (with air) during a meal.
How to Check If the Milk Is the Right Temperature for the Baby?
The mixture given to the baby should be at a temperature of about 36˚C. You do not necessarily need to check with a thermometer. Just pour a few drops on the inside of your wrist. If it does not burn and is pleasantly warm, you can give it to your little one.
How to Hold a Baby Properly For Feeding?
During feeding, the baby should be held in your arms so that the head is higher than the rest of the body. Place your baby so that its head and backrest are on your forearm. Hold the bottle perpendicular to the baby’s mouth. Remember that the teat should be filled with milk during feeding. If the baby is sucking properly, air bubbles appear in the bottle.
Can the Formula Be Prepared in Advance?
Unfortunately, no. The baby formula must always be freshly prepared just before serving. Even if you put the formula in the fridge, there is a risk of the proliferation of bacteria dangerous to the baby’s health.
Even though you can’t prepare baby formula in advance, you can always make your life a little easier, especially at night. In the evening, boil and pour a measured amount of water into a thermos. When it’s time for night feeding, just add the right amount of powder to the water, and the formula is ready.
What Water to Use to Prepare Baby Formula?
The best is spring water, non-carbonated and low-mineralized. Highly or moderately mineralized water may burden the baby’s kidneys. Ordinary tap water, in turn, is not always of the best quality.
Does the Baby Have to Burp After Every Feeding?
It is impossible to avoid the baby swallowing air bubbles during bottle feeding. Accumulation in the tummy can cause painful colic or regurgitation for the baby. For this, just after feeding, place your little one tummy on your chest with its head on your shoulder and wait for it to burp. Don’t put your baby to bed if it hasn’t burped yet.
It happens that the baby cannot burp for a long time. Then try to change its position several times. If even this does not work and the baby is sleepy, you can gently put it on its side. However, do not leave the baby in the crib unattended.
How to Care For Bottles and Teats?
Feeding bottles and teats should be washed with dishwashing liquid immediately after use. Feeding accessories must be sterilized for the first six months of a baby’s life. Make sure the bottle or teat is not damaged. If you notice that the teat is bitten, just throw it away. Silicone teats can no longer be used if they are scratched, and rubber teats — when they become sticky. The bottle must be replaced with a new one when it becomes dull or scratched. Sterilized feeding accessories are best stored in a clean, plastic, lid-closed container.
What to Avoid?
When preparing baby formula, do not add more powder to the water. This is the most common nutrition mistake parents make, concerned that their child is not eating enough. Baby formula should always be prepared according to the instructions given on the package.
Remember! Never leave your baby sucking a bottle alone. The risk of choking is high even if the child is already sitting steadily and can hold a bottle independently.