Based on Neil Gaiman’s 2001 novel, American Gods is an American fantasy drama television series directed by Bryan Fuller and Michael Green for Starz, the premium cable network. The first season produced by Fremantle USA and distributed by Lionsgate Television premiered on 30th April, 2017.
The Release Date Of American Gods Season 3
It was officially announced in March 2019 that American Gods will be returning with its third season and the production began in October 2019. Charles H. Eglee replacing Jesse Alexander of the second season, will be the new showrunner for the third season. Gaiman, the executive producer is really happy with this news, he said,
“I’m thrilled American Gods has renewed for a third season, and even more thrilled that I’m getting to work on it with Chic Eglee.”
With a tantalizing new trailer, the third season is finally here. The insane trailer teases an awakening for Shadow Moon, as he boldly in the closing moments that he is a god, however what exactly makes him realize that is yet to be seen.
It has been finally revealed by Amazon prime Video that the show will start streaming on 11th January,2021, following its premiere the day prior on Starz.
The Plot Of American Gods Season 3
In the season two finale we saw Shadow Moon leaving Cairo, and in the upcoming episodes we will be witnessing a lot of change in Shadow’s life since he started a new life away from Mr. Wednesday.
But its expected that he will be found out soon and will be reeled back into the war between old gods and their counterparts.
The Cast Of American Gods Season 3
Several members of the main cast including Ricky whittle (Shadow Moon), Ian McShane (Odin/Mr. Wednesday), Emily Browning (Laura Moon) and Crispin Glover (Mr. World) are expected to make a rebound.
A new character of Nordic death metal front man named Johan Wengren will be played by musician Marilyn Manson.
In the new teaser, some of the new cast members were caught in action, including Shrill star Julia Sweeney as Hinzelmann, an antagonistic local in the town of Lakeside, Wisconsin.
It has also been confirmed that Blythe Danner will appear in four episodes in the new season as Dementor, the Greek goddess of the harvest with an unresolved romantic history with Mr. Wednesday.
Every aspect of the upcoming season seems to be intriguing and will be a delight for the fans to watch.