After Life, a British black Comedy Drama television series created, written, produced, and directed by Ricky Gervais. Consequently, Netflix and Ricky Gervais reached a new multi-project deal, including the renewal of After Life season 3.
More about After Life |
Ricky Gervai’s After Life has created the quaint little world in the fictional town of Tambury. Indeed with the character fans of Netflix, shows are now invested fully. As well as with plenty of open storylines and unanswered questions, the series paved the way for a follow-up season 3.
Furthermore, in the end, the season of dark comedy on an ambiguous note, his character Tony continues struggling with his grief. Grieve originally confirmed the completion of their third season draft on Twitter on 23rd July.
Story of After Life season 3 |
Season 3 revolves around Tony Johnson, who is struggling with his recent loss of his wife because of breast cancer. On another hand, trying to take his own life he decides to make everyone else’s life miserable until he sees a glimpse of himself in his drug-addicted coworker Matt.
- Ricky Gervais (Tony)
- Penelope Wilton (Anne)
- Ashley Jensen (Emma)
- Tom Basden (Matt)
- Tony Way (Lenny)
- David Earl (Brian)
- Joe Wilkinson (‘Postman’ PAT)
- Mandeep Dhillon (Sandy)
As a result, after the COVID-19 impact, After Life season 3 shifted its release date from August 2020 and thought of filming in April 2021.