The sitcom Rutherford Falls Peacock, NBC Universal’s streaming service, has renewed the series for a second season. This series was co-created with The Office Ed Helms, Sierra Teller ornelas and Mike Schur. Mike Schur is most well-known for his creations. The Good Place As well as co-creating parks and Recreation And Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Rutherford Falls stars HelmsAs Nathan Rutherford, Jana Schmieding is his lifelong friend, Reagan. Their relationship is tested when Nathan begins a campaign to save a statue of his ancestor from being moved, despite its dangerous position on the road and its contentious colonial past.
The entire ten-episode series, which was released in its entirety in April, was now confirmed by Peacock that Rutherford Falls will return for a second season. Lisa Katz, president of scripted content at NBC Universal Television and Streaming stated, that the network is excited to create season 2. She explained that the series was a “breakthrough moment in Native representation in comedy both behind and in front of the camera” and that it “embodies modern, original, inclusive storytelling viewers desire.”
As one of the Original series by Peacock It’s not surprising that NBC Universal is thrilled to be a champion Rutherford Falls It was a turning point in Native representation in comedy. It has been praised by many, following Schur’s success with critically acclaimed comedy that has a cult audience. Fans will be delighted to learn that there is more Rutherford Falls As the genre of sitcoms shifts into streaming, more are on the horizon.