Valeria is a comedy and Spanish television series produced by María López Castaño of Netflix, based on the novel En los zapatos de Valeria by Elísabet Benavent. Starring Diana Gómez, Silma López, Paula Malia, Teresa Riott, Maxi Iglesias and Ibrahim Al Shami. The plot focuses on Valeria, the author who feels that something is missing in her marriage and writing.
Valeria Season 2: Release Date
Eight episodes of 45 minutes each were not enough for the audience, and we know you would like to see the whole story. Not surprisingly, Netflix also knows that, so the second installment of the show has always been green. There is a good chance that viewers will have more than two episodes of the show as Valerie’s Elísabet Benavent series has four books. Opportunities to tell the full story from the two seasons below. However, we must always keep in mind that the current state of the world can reverse the release dates. The show is guaranteed, but there is no official release date; by our guess, season 2 will appear sometime in 2021. You can always keep reading novels, but I think they will be in Spanish. Netflix has confirmed season 2 via Instagram.
Valeria Season 2: Cast
Diana Gomez, who plays Valeria, will no doubt play her role again in season 2. We expect almost all first-season players to feature in the second half. We will have Teresa Riott, Paula Malia, and Silma Lopez who will return as Nerea, Carmen, and Lola, respectively, for the second season. Maxi Iglesias will be back as a good Victor. There is a chance that Ibrahim Al Shamsi will also be back like Adrian. There is a chance that the second season will have a new face as the story progresses.
Valeria Season 2: Plot
For the first season, Valeria was trying to do something different in her life, like a storyteller who was in a depressing marriage. She goes to her friends for help and along the way she meets the attractive Victor. Towards the end of the show, he dedicates himself to the choice to leave his best Adrian and seek a relationship with Victor, but he needs a good chance to get through this part. The distribution house allows him to distribute his book as a professional writer or to find someone else to distribute it. Fans will be hoping to see Valeria embroiled in serious trouble over his career next season, as he has always aspired to be an active writer.