How to use Trust Badges on eCommerce Store to boost sales?
How to use Trust Badges on eCommerce Store to boost sales?

How to Use Trust Badges on Your E-commerce Store to Boost Sales, Why You Should Try Out eCommerce, Why and How to Use eCommerce Trust Badges, The appearance of Trust Badges, Types of Trust Badges, and How To Use Them

Are you thinking about tipping your toes in eCommerce? That is an excellent thought you must actualize. eCommerce presents you with a golden opportunity to sell online and expands the scope of your business to reach global realms. eCommerce merchants are already making a catch from the vibrant eCommerce market. In 2021 alone, global eCommerce sales amounted to $ 4.9 trillion. Statista estimates this figure to grow to $7.4 trillion by 2025.

But this is not to say that you will have a fair ride. Whereas eCommerce has a heavy basket of benefits, the basket of challenges is equally heavy. Trust and security are two issues you must keep a keen eye on.

eCommerce Trust – A Global Concern

With eCommerce, trust is an asset. BuySAFE reports that 81% of online shoppers express concerns when shopping on a website they are not well-acquainted with. Such concerns hold extreme power to cause a reduction in conversion rates and sales revenues.
Is there a way one can erase these doubts, boost trust and, in turn, increase sales? Yes. There are several best practices you can use to boost users’ trust. For example, you can make an excellent first impression, use trust badges, build a secure website, and show testimonials. This article explores the idea of using trust badges to increase consumer trust in your eCommerce website.

Why and How to Use eCommerce Trust Badges

So, what are eCommerce trust badges?

As the name suggests, eCommerce trust badges are symbols (or badges) that are used to instill trust in eCommerce shoppers. They tell your customers that your website and products are legitimate, safe, genuine, and free from associated risks such as fraud. Another popular name used in place of “trust badge” is trust seal. So do not get confused whenever you come across the two words. Just know they mean the same thing.

Various trust badges are used for different reasons. We will cover the different types of trust badges shortly. But first, note that the primary purpose of trust badges is to make the checkout process secure for users and make users have confidence in your website and products. Most trust badges are issued by third parties. A third party agreeing to issue an eCommerce with a trust badge serves as an affirmative message to potential eCommerce shoppers that the business in question is genuine and all data they share with the business will remain secure.

The appearance of Trust Badges

The appearance of trust badges often varies depending on the badge itself. You might have noticed such symbols while checking out from an eCommerce store. For example, you might have encountered the symbol of a Visa or its logo on the checkout pages. Such are the examples of trust badges we are talking about

Types of Trust Badges and How To Use Them

In this section, we will explore some of the top five nice-to-have trust badges that will play a significant role in boosting users’ trust and increasing the conversion rates of your eCommerce website.

The Secure Sockets Layer Certificate (SSL Badge)

The secure sockets layer certificate is undoubtedly the most basic yet most significant trust badge you should have for your eCommerce store. It is the first thing your eCommerce customers will be looking at when they arrive on your website. Your eCommerce customers will be looking at two critical aspects- the HTTPS status on the website and the padlock icon. That is what proves to them that your website has an SSL certificate. If your eCommerce website has these elements, your customers will trust you more. A Google Transparency Report affirms the essence of the SSL badge. The report shows that 93.2% of browsing time is spent on HTTPS websites.

The Secure Sockets Layer Certificate (SSL Badge)

The reason website visitors trust websites with SSL certificates is that such websites are more secure. This is because the SSL certificate initiates the HTTPS protocol, allowing only encrypted data to pass through. Without an SSL certificate, all communications and data transfers on your eCommerce website are susceptible to prying eyes, eavesdroppers, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Another aspect of SSL certificates that initiate trust is the validation process that goes in before the certificates are issued. The certificate authority (the organization issuing the certificate) validates the domain, and the company requests the certificate on behalf of the users.

All you have to do to get the SSL badge is to buy and install an SSL certificate. There are many certificate options you can work with. For your eCommerce trust, I highly recommend you buy a RapidSSL certificate.

Accepted Payment Badges

Including logos and signs for the payment options allowed on your eCommerce store gives your customers a sense of security. Such logos can go a long way toward influencing shoppers’ buying decisions.

Accepted Payment Badges

According to a Baymard study, 8% of respondents said they abandoned their carts because they were not satisfied with the available payment options. Users will trust your eCommerce site if you have provided them with their favorite payment option and proof that the option is available on the website. Accepted payment option badges from different payment options such as PayPal, VISA, American Express, and Mastercard will be a great idea for your eCommerce store.

Money-Back Guarantee Badge

Money-back guarantees are popular among eCommerce stores. Most eCommerce stores offer money-back guarantee badges to prove that if the products they sell have defects, customers can return them and receive a full refund. Money-back guarantee badges are vital since they remind eCommerce shoppers that the store they are shopping at is legitimate and genuine.

Money-Back Guarantee Badge

One thing to note about money-back guarantee badges is that they are homemade. Therefore, you, not a third party, are responsible for the badges. Since you have absolute freedom on how the money-back guarantee looks, you should ensure you craft them in such a way that catches the eye of your customers. It would be a great idea to create a badge specifically made to appear cohesive with your brand.

Free-Shipping Trust Badge

Free shipping is a great way to lure customers into completing the checkout process. But you have to tell your customers that you offer free shipping, which is why you need to have a free-shipping trust badge.

Use Free-Shipping Trust Badge on eCommerce Store to boost sales

It would be best if you made your free shipping badge as prominent as possible. Making conspicuous free shipping badges makes them hard to miss. And such a trust should appear upfront, right before the checkout page. This will encourage your customers to complete their checkout process.

Third-Party Endorsement and Certification Badges

If your company has received any awards in the past, it would be a great idea to show them to your audience. These certifications show your customers that your business is credible, not only to your website visitors but to your critics as well.

Conclusion: Use Trust Badges on eCommerce Store to boost sales

E-commerce trust is a vital aspect that can make or break your business. You must eliminate anything that could potentially tamper with your eCommerce trust. Above all, you must show your customers that your business is genuine and valid. You can do so by displaying various trust badges on your eCommerce website. This article has explained some of the trust badges you should have for your eCommerce store and how to use them.

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