How to Turn off Comments on Facebook Posts?
How to Turn off Comments on Facebook Posts?

Disable Comments on Your Personal Posts, Turn off Comments on Facebook Group Post, Stop Specific users from commenting and seeing your posts, Hide Comments that contains specific keywords, How to Turn off Comments on Facebook Posts

Facebook is a popular social media service. Comments are a good way to interact with users on your posts but many times we receive unnecessary and spammy comments and want to turn off comments on the platform. Hopefully, there are ways to disable comments on Facebook.

So, if you are also one of those who want to turn off comments on Facebook Posts, read the article till the end as we have listed all the ways to do so.

How to Turn off Comments on Facebook Posts?

Disable Post Comments on Your Profile

Facebook does not have an option to turn off comments on your profile posts. However, you can limit the audience with whom you are sharing the post. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Open Facebook and log in to your account if you have not already.
  • Head over to the post in which you want to disable spammy comments.
  • Click on the three-dots icon next in the post.
  • Tap on Edit Audience from the given options.
  • Choose the audience with whom you want to share your post.

Done, you have successfully limited the post to a particular audience. Now, the only chosen audience can view and comment on the post.

Disable Comments on Group Post

If you are an admin of a Facebook group and want to turn off comments for a particular group post then we have listed the steps to do so. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Open your Facebook on your device.
  • Locate to the group in which you want to disable comments.
  • Click on the three-dots icon in front of the group post.
  • Select Turn off Commenting from the given options.

Done, you have successfully disabled all the comments from the selected group post.

Turn off Facebook Public Post Comments

Facebook also allows its users to configure and set who can comment on your public posts. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Open Facebook and log in to your account if you have not already.
  • Go to Settings and Privacy (on Dekstop, tap on the account icon at the top to select Settings and Privacy).
  • Click on the Settings and select Public Posts.
  • Now, tap on the Edit button next to the Who can comment on your public posts option.
  • Choose Friends from the drop-down menu and Save changes.

Done, you have successfully limited the comments of your public post to friends only.

Stop Specific User from Commenting

Facebook also has an option to stop some specific users from commenting on your public posts. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Open Facebook on your device and log in to your account.
  • Head over to the post in which you want to hide comments from a specific user.
  • Tap on the three-dots icon at the post and select Edit Audience.
  • Now, click on the Friends Except option.
  • Select the users from which you want to hide your posts.
  • Once selected, click on Save Changes.

Done, your post will now be hidden from the selected users.

Hide Comments Containing Specific Keywords

Facebook has an option that allows users to hide comments on their public posts containing a specific keyword. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Open Facebook and go to Settings.
  • Click on the Profile and Tagging and expand Hide comments containing certain words from your profile option.
  • Enter the specific words to filter comments and click on the Save button the save the settings.

Done, you have successfully hidden the comments containing specific keywords.

Conclusion: Turn off Comments on Facebook Posts

So, these are all the ways to turn off comments on Facebook Posts. We hope that the article helped you in disabling comments.

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