Do you know how the election process for electing the US president has evolved with time? There was a time when only a few people could elect the country’s leader. But now, things have changed, and everyone can participate in the elections and choose the ideal candidate for their country.

With the concept of placing bets on elections, the journey of electing the US president has transformed completely. 2024 USA elections betting is shaping the future of elections by marking it as a crucial step in the rich history. Know more about US Presidential elections from the start of the current year.

The Starting Years

In 1789, the first US elections were held, where George Washington was elected as the country’s leader. At that time, the Electoral College System existed that compromised the outcomes between people’s voting and Congress elections. In the beginning, white men who owned properties could only vote. At that time, there was limited voting, and a leader was chosen quickly.

Emergence of Political Parties

At the beginning of the 19th century, political parties started to form, including the Republicans and Federalists. In a few years, the election process shifted to democracy. Voting rights also expanded from white men to a wider audience. 

No property ownership was then considered. With time, a two-party system was developed. In 1828, the democratic parties held the election, and Andrew Jackson was elected.

The Civil War

In US history, the reconstruction period during the Civil War was quite essential. When Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, it led to the Civil War. When the war ended, the 15th amendment was approved in 1870, which gave rights to black Americans to vote. The reconstruction period kept progressing due to Jim Crow laws. It took away the right to vote from black people for many years.

Women’s Suffrage During the Progressive Period

The beginning of the 20th century was considered the Progressive period, in which electoral reforms were introduced. Due to the 17th Amendment, direct elections were legalized for senators. In 1920, as per the 19th amendment, women got voting rights. It was a big change that the country was experiencing. This decision reshaped US politics.

Role of Betting in Elections for Electing the President

Voting rights given to the public constantly changed over time. Talking about the role of betting while conducting elections is not a new thing. Since the 18th century, it has been a part of the political landscape. During Lincoln’s elections, people were betting on different candidates in bars and other public places. Many people wagered their money on Lincoln and bet on his winning chances.

In the US, betting has been legalized since the 1800s. But now, presidential elections through betting have evolved. Big platforms are available for the audience to vote for their favorite candidate. In 2020, voting and betting of millions of dollars in elections were observed. It reflects modern campaigns and their unpredictable nature.

The Modern Period

The electoral system of the US has changed drastically after the mid-20th century. Due to the 1965 Voting Act, racial discrimination was eliminated, allowing black Americans to participate and vote. In 1971, the 26th Amendment sanctioned and reduced the voting age from 21 to 18. It brought opportunities for young voters to participate in electoral processes.

Contemporary Elections

In the last decades, the election process for choosing a country’s president has become quite complex. They played a major role of technology in conducting the former US president’s elections smoothly and with accuracy. In the 2000 elections, there was a close competition between Al Gore and George Bush.

In the end, the Supreme Court announced the election outcome. Considering the recent event, mail-in ballots were used for conducting elections during the pandemic. At that time, the betting market was quite active, showing global interest in knowing the outcome.  

Final Thoughts

The rich history of presidential elections in the USA slowly progressed to democracy. The nation has evolved to dynamic and smart voting techniques. Initially, only a limited number of men having properties can vote. But now, voting rights are given to black Americans, women and young residents.

Everyone can vote for their favorite candidate and make them the leader of the nation. The election journey has gone through many phases and is still evolving with time. Betting on election outcomes has been common since the voting process started in the USA. No matter if you are a country resident or not, you can still bet on the candidate competing in the elections.