Zig & Sharko season 3 is one of the best animation series. Comedy, animated, and Slapstick are the genres of this web TV series. As well as, Oliver Jean Marie is the creator of this web TV series. Moreover, Olivier Jean Marie, Andres Fernandez, Hugo Gittard, Cedric Dietsch, Khalil Ben Naamane are the directors of this web TV series. As well as, Fabien Nataf, Alain Mouysset and Vincent Artaud are the composers of this web TV series.

As well as, Marc du Pontavice is the executive producer of this web TV series. Moreover, Marc du Pontavice is the producer of this series. Moreover, Canal +, TF1, Guili and Boomerang Africa are the original network of this web TV series.


There were many special episodes and the specialized episodes are “Fishy Story”, “work in progress”, “Cruising”, “Digging Deep”, “Nurse Marina”, “Litle Shrimp”, “Aqua Golf”, “Santa zig” etc. Moreover, these are the specialized episodes in this series. Moreover, we have to wait for some special episodes for this upcoming season.


story of this series follows the adventures of many characters. Moreover, there was a fictionalized character named Zig who had a brown hyena sharko. As well as, Marina was a strong character who was a mermaid with red hair. Additonally, Zig always makes use of various items and it was an inspirational plot. Moreover, there were so many animals in this web TV series.

Cast And Characters

There were so many fictionalized characters in this web TV series and they are Zig, Sharko, Marina, Bernie. In addition to that, there will be many fictionalized characters in this web TV series. Moreover, we have to wait for the confirmed fictionalized characters for this web TV series. There were so many voice actors in this web TV series and they are Luca Bottale, Massimo Rossi, Micaela incite, and Giuseppe Calvetti. In addition to that, we may expect these characters on this web TV series.

Release Date

Moreover, the first season was released on December 21, 2010. As well as, the third season will be released soon by the team.