ווי צו ראַטעווען Snapchat פאָטאָס אין דיין גאַלערי אויטאָמאַטיש
ווי צו ראַטעווען Snapchat פאָטאָס אין דיין גאַלערי אויטאָמאַטיש

Wondering how to Save Snapchat Photos to Your Gallery Automatically, How to Save Snaps in both Memories and Gallery, and How to delete a photo from Snapchat memories -

Snapchat is a popular multimedia instant messaging app and service. It is a widely used platform and has millions of active users around the globe.

The platform allows users to capture photos using different filters and save them in Snapchat memories which are named Snaps. However, many users wish to save the captured images in their gallery.

So, if you are also one of those who want to save Snapchat Photos to Your Gallery Automatically, you just need to read the article till the end as we have listed the steps to do so.

ווי צו ראַטעווען Snapchat פאָטאָס אין דיין גאַלערי אויטאָמאַטיש?

To save the Snapchat images to your gallery, you need to change the settings and set them to be automatically saved on your gallery. In this article, we have added a step-by-step guide on you save the photos to your device gallery.

Save Images to Gallery

  • עפענען די Snapchat אַפּ אויף דיין מיטל.
  • קלאָץ אין צו דיין חשבון אויב איר האָט נישט שוין.
  • דריקט אויף דיין ביטמאָדזשי at the top left side to open your Snapchat profile.
  • שפּונט אויף דעם gear icon אויף די שפּיץ-רעכט זייַט.
  • דריקט אויף מעמעריז and you will see Save Destinations.
  • שפּונט אויף היט קנעפּל ונטער Save Destinations.
  • Now, you will have to change the saving destination of your snaps from the given options.
  • To save your photo and video snaps on Gallery as well as on Memories, select Memories & Camera Roll while if you only want to save snaps on Gallery only, select the קאַמעראַ ראָלל option from the given ones.

Done, you have successfully changed the save settings and now your Snapchat Images will be saved automatically to your Camera Roll.


So, these are the steps by which you can Save Snapchat Photos to Your Gallery Automatically. We hope the article helped you in saving the snaps automatically in the Camera Roll.

פֿאַר מער אַרטיקלען און דערהייַנטיקונגען, פאַרבינדן אונדזער טעלעגראַם גרופע און זיין אַ מיטגליד פון דער DailyTechByte משפּחה. אויך, נאָכגיין אונדז אויף Google News, טוויטטער, ינסטאַגראַם, און facebook פֿאַר שנעל דערהייַנטיקונגען.

Can you save Snapchat photos to your phone?

Yes, Snapchat has an option by which you can save your snaps to a gallery. However, you need to modify the settings to save them automatically in your camera roll as, by default, photos that you save on Snapchat will be saved in your Snapchat memories.

How to Save Snaps in both Memories and Gallery?

You can change the settings and save the snaps on both Memories and Gallery. To do so, open Snapchat app >> Tap on your bitmoji >> Click on Settings icon >> Select Memories >> Choose Save Button >> Select Memories & Camera Roll.

How do I delete a photo from Snapchat memories?

To delete a snap, open the Snapchat app >> Click on the photos icon before the camera icon >> Long press on the photo >> Tap on the More option >> Select Delete Snap.

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