Victoria is a historical drama series created by Daisy Goodwin. A season 4 has been on the cards for some time now. Victoria Season 4 will premiere in the United Kingdom on ITV and on PBS in the United States. The series is about Queen Victoria and her life. The series does best to stick to facts with a dramatic touch to her life. If you are fond of period drama and the Victoria Era keep reading.
Season 3 ended with a major cliffhanger. Prince Albert fell unconscious at the Buckingham Palace. If the story goes by facts, Prince Albert will live for a decade more. This is where the plot for season four will pick up. Daisy Goodwin commented on the season as the darkest season yet. We also know that a prominent character is going to die in the next season. Season four has quite a lot of suspense surrounding it.
Jenna Coleman as Queen Victoria, Tom Hughes as Prince Albert, Adrain as Mr. Penge, Jordan Waller as Lord Alfred Paget, Tommy Wright as Brodie and Nell Hudson as Skerrett are some of the main characters therefore they might stay for Season 4.
Will Jenna Coleman Be Replaced?
There have been talks about recasting Jenna Coleman. This is because the show will eventually leap. If that happens they will have to either recast someone else or spend hours on prosthetics on Coleman. But writer Goodwin put all our worries to rest. Jenna won’t be recast yet, she is affirmative of her place in the show for Season 4.
Release Date
Victoria Season 3 was released on 24 March 2019. Goodwin had commented about the series being a five-season package. Therefore fans were sure about its renewal. Victoria Season was supposed to premiere in 2020. Unfortunately corona pandemic affected its production. There has been no official statement about Season 4 yet. We are hoping that season four releases soon in 2021. Till then you can rerun the series on Amazon Prime.