Telegram’s offensive against WhatsApp doesn’t stop. The messaging application of the Russian Pavel Durov has gone headlong to capture the many disgruntled WhatsApp users and is preparing a replacement function that permits them to require WhatsApp chats to Telegram.
WhatsApp, which emerged as an independent company, has faced skepticism and criticism from its users since it had been acquired by Facebook. Criticisms that were in crescendo with changes in company policies aimed toward greater integration between WhatsApp and Facebook at a time when Mark Zuckerberg’s company has faced harsh scandals.
Anyway, the anger of users with WhatsApp didn’t reach its peak until a month ago with the update of the terms and conditions of the app (those who didn’t accept would be seen outside of WhatsApp) to the purpose that the corporate (in two atypical movements) was forced to publish clarifications and put the suspense date to update its terms and conditions.
A discontent that Telegram is capitalizing on during January. within the middle of the month, Durov announced that its application had surpassed 500 million active users for the primary time with a spectacular growth of 25 million users in 72 hours.
However, leaving WhatsApp to travel to Telegram poses an enormous problem for users: the loss of messages and conversations that have accumulated for years.
A drag that Durov’s company has solved with the event of a tool that permits WhatsApp conversations to be imported into Telegram so that they’re preserved once users have deleted their WhatsApp accounts.
So that users can migrate their WhatsApp conversations, the Telegram tool will offer in its settings the likelihood of choosing individual chats within WhatsApp to associate them with an equivalent user within Telegram, consistent with the 9to5Mac portal.
Which has had access to the appliance. A function to be performed through the Share Sheet. At the instant, the functionality isn’t yet available openly for Telegram users, although it’s expected to be incorporated into subsequent updates.