Elite is a Spanish thriller teen drama series created by Carlos Montero and Daro Madrona for the streaming giant Netflix. The show is set in Las Encinas, a literary elite secondary school, and revolves around the relationships of three working-class teenage students who have received scholarships to attend the school and their classmates. The popular Spanish tv series will soon return for its fourth season on June 18 and has been revived through season 5. The near future of Élite will look different as you will find new members joining the show. Talking about the series, here is about Elite season 4 cast, trailer, and more.

Elite Season 4 Release Date

The creators of the popular Spanish Netflix show Elite season 4 have announced the release date. The fourth season of the thriller adolescent drama will premiere on June 18, 2021, according to the streamer, who announced the date on Monday alongside ten brand new photos from the upcoming events. The newly released teaser features both returning and new personalities as the new school year begins at Las Encinas.

If that isn’t exciting enough, Netflix will also release four Elite short story episodes before the new season, focusing on what the characters did over the summer before Elite season 4 began shooting. On Monday, June 14, an episode titled’Guzman + Caye + Rebe’ will broadcast, followed by Nadia + Guzman’ on Tuesday, June 15,’Omar + Ander + Alexis’ on Wednesday, June 16, and Carla + Samuel’ on Thursday, June 17.

Elite Season 4 Cast

One of the cast members are Mara Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, Miguel Herrán, Miguel Bernardeau, Jaime Lorente, Arón Piper, lvaro Rico, Mina El Hammani, and Ester Expósito. From the fourth year, the show will also see many new additions, such as a new school manager, who will be performed by celebrity Diego Martin. Diego’s character will be viewed enacting new policies to raise the school’s credibility and status. According to the season synopsis, “A brand new school year begins at Las Encinas, and with it comes a new manager, among Europe’s most powerful businessmen, ready to put the Las Encinas establishment, which he claims has been running amok lately, back on course.

Elite investigates adolescent drama concepts and topics, but it also includes more innovative issues and other sides to its clichés. The fourth season will be available for streaming on June 18, and the fifth installment has also been declared, although no release date was set. Elite’s third year premiered in March 2020, and each season consists of eight episodes, which will be the same for the upcoming year also. Watch the Elite season 4 trailer below.