Lucifer was supposed to end with Season 5, but the Fox-turned Netflix series was extended until the very last Season 6. Thank God, Lucifer! The show did not end with that wonderful cliffhanger. If you don’t recall (or are struggling to put the season together), the story is this: God (Dennis Haysbert), returned to Earth to fix his relationship with Lucifer (Tom Ellis), and Amenadiel(D.B. Woodside. He is tired of being God and wants to be with his love in another universe.
This creates an unholy competition between Lucifer, his evil twin Michael, about who can be the best ruler in the universe. All hell breaks loose at that point. In an epic finale battle, Michael kills Chloe (Lauren German). Mind you, Michael had orchestrated Dan’s (Kevin Alejandro’s) death in the episode before. Lucifer is forced to ascend to Heaven to rescue him. Lucifer, like Chloe, dies in the process. However, he is resurrected with the elevated status of the new God.
Second thought: How could anyone top the Devil’s new position of God Almighty?
The final left a few questions unanswered, such as Is Chloe eternal? What is Lucifer’s plan to assume the role of God? Lucifer will ever lock his elevator so that Chloe and he can enjoy a peaceful moment together? What is Season 6? It can’t come soon enough.
TV Guide has assembled all the information we have about Season 6 to help us count down the days until the last episodes of Lucifer.
Release Date
Although the Season 6 premiere date has yet to be determined, due to COVID-19 filming delays it is likely we will not see Season 6 until 2022. Joe Henderson, the co-showrunner, shared his predictions regarding the Season 6 premiere date in an interview with John Siuntres of the Word Balloon podcast. “I would love it [to air earlier], but I don’t know what Netflix plans on that yet […] If they push, I don’t think it will push too far into next year.” They won’t keep it going for too long, but I don’t know so don’t quote.
Post-production is still ongoing. Based on recent Instagram posts by Chris Rafferty and Rachael Harris, we know that sound mixing is complete for the penultimate episode of “Goodbye Lucifer”.
Keep your wings on, everyone’s favorite celestials will be back for Season 6.
Alejandro confirmed that Dan will be back, despite his unfortunate death orchestrated and orchestrated by Michael. He said that “[The showrunners] had found a gentle method to bring me back” in an interview with TV Line. “Not in the manner people expect him to return […], but I got to be there at the end in some capacity.”
EW announced in December that Merrin Dungey (Alias), and Brianna Hildebrand, (Deadpool), would be joining the celestial crew. Hildebrand will portray Lucifer’s troublemaking sibling Rory. Dungey will play Sonya, a fellow uniform police officer who “forms an unlikely connection” with Amenadiel.
Scott Porter (Ginny & Georgia) confirmed his return to Season 6 via Twitter, as Detective Carol Corbet.
There was a lot to be proud of at the end of Season 5. Chloe resigned from the LAPD so that she could help Lucifer. Eve and Maze reunited. Linda was reunited with her long-lost daughter, Michael, who lost his wings. Did I mention that Lucifer is God?
There will be a time leap.ET has confirmed that Season 6 will start with an unspecified time jump. The time jump will place the characters in the right position to explore the final theme.
We are going further than the fairytale ending. Season 5 featured Lucifer saying “I love You” to Chloe. However, Mike Costa in an interview with LCL Reviews suggests that Season 6 will explore what happens to the characters after they have presumably achieved everything they ever desired. “By season 5, a lot of our characters have achieved what they want. So, the best way to tease the upcoming Season 6 is to ask the question we tried to answer when we began working on it: “What happens after Happily Ever After?” While stories tend to end when a character has achieved what they want, real life goes on after that. Season 6 begins with our characters confronting the reality that they have what they want…now what? This season is the most character-centric of all. Luciferwe’s ever done. This is, in truth, only for the last one.
Deckerstar content is on the horizon. There are many things to consider, including sibling rivalry, crime-solving, daddy issues, and sibling rivalry.Dying.Deckerstar and Chloe didn’t have much one-on-one time in Season 5, so they were unable to become a couple. ET interviewed the showrunners about their concerns regarding the lack of PDA. “We’re going see a lot of Lucifer and Chloe together.” Before denying any thoughts of possible engagement between them, lady Modrovich, co-showrunner, said. “As far an engagement goes…you just have to tune in and watch.” (Oh, come on, we saw him place a ring on *that* finger during the Season 5 finale!)
There will be 10 episodes. Ten episodes will be available for fans to view at the Lucifer Writers Room Twitter account. Lucifer’s episode titles are one of the most enjoyable aspects. The fandom jokes about which characters will use them and what context. Joe Henderson, co-showrunner of Season 6, Episode 3, was a bit too excited: “Yabba Dabba Do Me.”
Henderson spoke with TV Guide about the episode’s connection to the pilot, saying that it was simultaneously the darkest and lightest episode they had ever produced. The story is connected to something that was in the pilot. In his interview with Variety, Henderson explained that Henderson’s episode was “abnormal” because it involves a toy that Henderson has never had the chance to play with. We don’t know who says the Flintstone-related line, but my bet is Lucifer himself.
Lucifer will address the Black Lives Matter movement, and Amenadiel’s decision to join the police force. Season 6, Episode 6: “A lot Dirtier Than That” will be addressed by Modrovich. However, the movement will still be a central theme of the season. That’s a big part of Season 6. Zoom aired just weeks after George Floyd’s death. It was still fresh in our minds. TV Guide was informed by Modrovich. We’re a show all about cops. We solve crimes and felt that we should all acknowledge that. We approach it through an emotional perspective through the eyes of a character and with our emotions and care. That’s how we came up with our [storyline].
Fun and bittersweet factsSeason 6, Episode 7: Woodside’s directorial debut, written by Aiyana white. Woodside revealed to TV Insider that his episode will be the last one featuring all of the characters. “Mine will be the last episode in which we get to see all the cast and all the characters together for the majority of the episode.”
The reason the characters parted ways three episodes before the season finale is unknown. We need your help, Heaven (or Hell). The fans aren’t ready.