Kaguya Sama Love Is War is a Japanese romantic comedy manga series written and illustrated by Aka Akasaka. The series recently started its anime version. The very first season surface in January 2019. It ran for 12 episodes before ending in March of the identical year. The show was well-received by the selected audience. And, the lovers were in demand for the second season.

Last, the series came back with its second installment in April 2020. Additionally, it ran for a total of 12 episodes. The episodes were aired until June of the exact same year. Not only did the series became improved, but also the personalities became more interesting. And, it got better as every episode went by. The anime show began producing its own fan base and molded an identity of its own. It is currently considered one of the best romantic comedy anime of recent years.

As soon as the next season ended, all eyes were set on another season. But the series didn’t let its fans down and announced its return. Kaguya Sama Love Is War also confirmed its return with not one but two productions. The franchise which was without ads for many months after finishing its second season, has verified an OVA and its third period. Having said that, let’s talk about the Release Date of Season 3.

Release Date

The announcement was made at the special occasion Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai on Phase: Shuchiin Ongakutan this Sunday. They also disclosed a teaser trailer. You can watch it here.

At the moment, specific info about the release date of the third season of Kaguya Sama Love Is War and its own OVA is unknown. The only thing which those accountable for the job have confirmed is the OVA will arrive in 2021. It’s expected that in the forthcoming months we will have the ability to get more information.

Kaguya Sama Love Is War Official Premise

Student council president Miyuki Shirogane and vice-president Kaguya Shinomiya seem to be the perfect couple. Kaguya is the daughter of a rich conglomerate family, also Miyuki is the top student in the faculty and well known across the prefecture. Even though they enjoy one another, they are too proud to confess their love as they think whoever does this first would shed. The story follows their various schemes to produce the other one acknowledges.

Kaguya Sama Love Is War Synopsis

Everything is fair when love is war! Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. A battle. Who will confess their love first…?! Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane are two geniuses who stand at the peak of the prestigious pupil council of their academy, which makes them both the elite of the elite. But at the top, each has fallen in love with the other.

There are only one big difficulty that stands in the way of loving happiness: both are too proud to be the first to confess their romantic feelings and thus become the”winners” of the love race. And so their everyday plans begin to induce another to confess first.