Black Lightning, an American TV series based on DC Comics character Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning), has gained fame and popularity since the first season premiered in 2018.

From 8 February to 24 May 2021, 13 episodes of the fourth season had been aired weekly on The CW network. But many fans want to know whether Black Lightning will return for the fifth season.

What Is Black Lightning?

Black Dragon focuses on Jefferson Pierce, a superhero/vigilante that comes out of retirement to protect the city of Freeland from a dangerous criminal gang The 100, headed by Tobias Whale.

The series deals with societal issues and justice regarding racism and racial conflict. Jefferson Pierce isn’t only a superhero but also a leader and dad who wants a better world for his community and family. He fights discrimination and prejudice notably against black people.

The major villain, Tobias Whale, is a man with albinism who had a traumatic childhood after being abused physically and emotionally by his father. That has led Black Lightning’s nemesis to hold a massive grudge against just about everybody.

What Happened In Season 4? spoiler Alert

In season, the final battle between Jefferson Pierce and Tobias Whale takes place. Even after losing his abilities and being buried alive by Whale in the previous episode, Black Lightning breaks out of his grave and regains his abilities to shoot down Whale for great.

Jefferson Pierce then re-retires from being a superhero, passing the torch to his daughters and another superhero, Grace Choi, to become the town’s protector.

Is There Going To Be A Season 5?

Season 4 is the series finale and there won’t be a season 5.

Deadline has reported an announcement from The CW network the end of the fourth season of Black Lightning is THE close of the show interval.

Some fans of this series found it hard to accept there are no more Black Dragon:

Where To Watch Season 4

Seasons 1 to 3 is all available on Netflix. However, season 4 has yet to arrive on Netflix in the united kingdom and it is still unknown when Black Lightning fans can see the finale there.

However, US Amazon Prime offers season 4 to $2.99 per incident or $23.99 for the whole season.