How to Fix the Err_too_many_redirects Issue in ChatGPT
How to Fix the Err_too_many_redirects Issue in ChatGPT

ChatGPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It’s able to answer follow-up questions, reject inappropriate requests, and question assumptions. Are you facing too many redirect issues? In this read, you will learn, you will learn how to fix the “Err_too_many_redirects” issue in Chat GPT.

How to Fix the “Err_too_many_redirects” Issue in ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI developed by OpenAI that interacts in a conversational manner. It’s a company that develops and promotes advanced AI technology. The goal of OpenAI is to create safe AI that benefits humanity and to advance AI research. It was founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman in 2015. In this article, we have added the ways by which you can fix Err_too-many_redirects in Chat GPT.

Check if OpenAI is down

1. Open in a browser and check the status.

2. A green bar means that the service is fully operational.

3. If there are red, orange, or light green bars, it means that there’s an outage.

4. If it’s down, you need to wait for a few hours before using it again.

Clear Browser’s Cache

Some users have reported that clearing the browser’s cache helps you in resolving the problem. Follow the below steps to clear the Google Chrome cache.

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your PC.

2. Type chrome://settings/clearBrowserData in the search bar then hit enter and you will be redirected to the clear browsing data page.

3. In the advanced tab, set the time for All time.

4. Select the checkbox for Cookies and other site data & cached images and files.

5. Now, click on the Clear data option and confirm it.

After this, close the Chrome browser then open it again and your issue should be fixed.

Update the Browser

If the issue does not solve with the above methods, you can try updating the browser. Below are the steps by which you can update the Chrome browser.

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your PC.

2. Click on the three-dots menu at the top right corner.

3. Select Help and then go to About Google Chrome.

4. Check if there is any update available for your browser.

5. If it’s available, click on the install button to update the Chrome browser.

Re-Login to ChatGPT

You can also try re-login to ChatGPT as many Reddit users have reported that logging in again to ChatGPT helps them in fixing the problem. Follow the below steps to do so.

1. Click on Log Out from the sidebar to log out of your account.

2. Once logged out, enter your login credentials to log in again.

Use a Different Browser

You can also try accessing ChatGPT from a different browser. Also, if you are using ChatGPT on a desktop, access it from your mobile or vice versa.

Conclusion: Fix the “Err_too_many_redirects” Issue in ChatGPT

So, these are the ways by which you can fix the “Err_too_many_redirects” Issue in ChatGPT. I hope you find this article helpful; if you did, share it with your friends and family.

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