This is is a Disney animated show. The creator of this show is Alex Hirsch. This show was first premiered in 2012, and then after three years, the 2nd was released in 2016. Now, it’s been four years. Still, there is no information about Gravity Falls Season 3. Fans are anxiously waiting for the 3rd season of this series.
When we talk about this series, we already know that this show is the best show by Disney. Due to its previous release date, 1st one was in 2012, and the 2nd one was after the three years in 2016.
So, if we believe in the chronology of this show’s released date, there might be a chance that it will release this year. Maybe at the end of this year, say, in December.
There is also news, or we can say rumor that the makers do not want this season to release. Maybe they have canceled the show.
Reason of Cancellation
This is not due to Disney, but it is canceled because of the creator of this show. Alex Hirsch doesn’t want to make the other season. It is because he already announced that he probably conclude the show in the 2nd season of it.
He finished it. He said this by mentioning his Tumblr account. He also said that he does not want the fans of this show disappointed by seeing the show’s unwanted episodes and seasons. Alex does not want them to lose any interest in this show or Disney.
Dipper Pines, Mable’s Twin brother
Mable Pines, Dipper’s Twin sister, She elder of him
Stan Pines playing the role of Grunkle Stan
Jesus Alzamirano Ramirez voice over the Soos
Wendy Corduroy is daddy’s girl.
Since there are no further updates concerning Kung Fu Panda 4, it seems that the fans need to wait a bit more and see what more is in store for the master to learn!