Frank of Ireland Season 2

“Frank of Ireland” is an Irish comedy tv series created by Brian Gleeson and Domhnall Gleeson. It was aired by two stations, channel 4 and Amazon prime on 15th and 16th April respectively.

The series is all about a man in his thirties called Frank who lives with his mother. He could be viewed as a man child who’s a fervent and optimistic songwriter but only the thing he could be said to be good at is ruining everything good in his very best Buddy Doofus’ life.

The setting of the series is in the suburbs of Ireland. The key characters Frank and Doofus are played by the Gleeson brothers themselves.

Frank of Ireland Season 2 Confirmed?

Frank of Ireland Season 2

The show received, unexpectedly, a highly optimistic reception with people loving it everywhere around the globe. The show is inclusive of humor, drama, a thriller in addition to horror. To our surprise, it presents every sort of emotion fairly well on the screen.

Considering the rather good reception, there could be another season of this show but as of now Channel 4 or Amazon prime haven’t confirmed anything regarding the future of the show. Maybe the views assessed at the end of the month could ascertain the prospect of season two of the show.

The show doesn’t have a lack of content as in season one, not many items are touched and they can develop the characters their different narrative have a lot of potentials.

When Brian was asked if there would be another season, he seemed optimistic and said that he would love to but he isn’t convinced as equally brothers have projects to do in the upcoming year.

Frank explained that Domhnall has another play to maintain and he would be featuring in some other TV show but let’s be optimistic here.