Increasing its number of animated originals, Netflix included in the catalog the new episodes of Fast and Furious: Spies on the Asphalt. With that, fans are already questioning what the future of the series will be and what will happen to Tony Toretto in the fourth season. Well, we’ve separated everything you need to know in this article.

After all, Fast and Furious: Will Asphalt Spies win season 4?

To be direct, so far Fast and Furious: Spies on Asphalt has not been renewed for the fourth season. The third year of the series debuted recently, and that may have been the determining factor. The service launched the season on December 26 and has a total of 13 episodes.

However, one factor may be important for the continuity of the series. Netflix had an agreement with Dream works to produce several animated series. However, that agreement came to an end in 2020. We still don’t know if the service will continue to produce new series in partnership with the studio.

However, it is to be imagined that both will continue the productions that have started. It is speculated that Fast and furious: Asphalt Spies has already been renewed until the fifth season. Although, both the service and the studios have not officially confirmed it.

So, we will inform you here, when new news appears.

Premiere Date: What day will the fourth season be released on Netflix?

If the service keeps the same schedule as the previous releases, we shouldn’t wait long to see the fourth season of Fast and Furious: Asphalt Spies. The reason is that the series has always had a quick launch in streaming, given the ease of production. In fact, not even the pandemic delayed the series’ work.

Thus, we must see the arrival of the episodes for mid-2021, between July and August.

Plot: What will happen in Fast and Furious: Asphalt Spies?

The last season of Fast and Furious: Asphalt Spies, took place in the Sahara desert. In it, we saw that they face the threatening Cleve Kelso. The young man creates experimental storm satellites and his operations in North Africa bring down, Nowhere and Gary.

Echo takes the leadership role, much to Tony’s dismay. Despite these differences, the asphalt spies travel to the Sahara Desert to track Cleve. As in previous seasons, the new year should be marked by a new adventure.

However, it remains unclear where we will see the pilot depart. Possibly, they will go to another country, try to dismantle some scheme.

Cast: Who will be

Fast and Furious: Asphalt Spies has a known cast. In turn, the same actors who voiced the previous seasons must also repeat their roles. The main one is Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf), who voices Tony Toretto.

In addition, Charlet Chung as Margaret “Echo” Pearl; Jorge Diaz as Cisco Renaldo; Camille Ramsey gives Layla Gray a voice. Finally, they complete the cast: Luke Youngblood as Frostee Benson, Renée Elise Goldsberry as Ms. Nowhere and Dave Thomas as Cleve Kelso.