One of the longest-running animated shows on Netflix, F is for Family, is coming back for its 5th season. Netflix announced the revival of the show as well as the final season on 1 October 2020. The first season premiered in 2015 and since then the show has had four successful seasons. The writers of the show are Bill Burr and Price(known for Emmy award-winning writing for The Simpsons). Ben Marsaud directs F is for Family.


The story is about a family, Murphys. They are an Irish-American weird family residing in the fictional Rustvale, Pennsylvania. Inspired by Billy Burr’s childhood the show takes place in the 1970s era. A time when people were narrow-minded regarding politics, parents did not hold a knife over their kid’s head and household smoking was not frowned upon. The show’s uniqueness comes from these factors. People get to visit a place that is completely different from today’s world. F is for Family show has episodes which are more connected to each other and provides a storyline unlike Simpsons.


Bill Burr voices Frank Murphy as well as Father Pat, Laura Dern as Sue Murphy, Justin Long voices Kevin Murphy, Chuck Sawitzki and Phineas, Haley Reinhart voices Bill Murphy and sometimes Frank Murphy as a child, Debi Derryberry voices Mureen Murphy, Philip Bonfiglio, Kenny and Bridget Fitzsimmons and Sam Rockwell voices Vic Reynolds. These are some of the main voice-over artists.

Release Date

Vulture has confirmed that the series was already in pre-production mode before the announcement of Season five. Season 4 aired on June 12, 2020 recently. Therefore we hope that season five releases by the end of 2021 but it could be 2022 too.