‘Beyond Evil,’ initially titled’Gwimul,’ is a South Korean police procedural series created by Shim Na-Yeon and Kim Soo-jin. It follows two detectives whose paths cross as they are tasked with catching a serial killer. As they dig deeper, difficult questions begin to surface that finally cause them to dislike everyone and everything, including themselves. The series first premiered in February 2021 in South Korea before it debuted internationally in June 2021.

The star-studded throw of this show has attracted a great deal of attention. It has also garnered appreciation for its compelling storyline and characters that are senile. The crime series received the Baeksang Arts Awards for Best Drama and Best Screenplay, and Shin Ha-Kyun (Lee Dong-sik) bagged an award for Best Actor. After binging the first season, the fans must be wondering when will season two grace their screens. So, here is what you need to know!

Beyond Evil Season 2 Release Date

‘Beyond Nasty’ season, 1 landed on June 15, 2021, on Netflix. Before its premiere on the streamer, it aired in South Korea from February 19, 2021, to April 10, 2021, on JTBC. The first season consists of 16 episodes that operate for 60-78 minutes each.

With respect to the second season, here is what we know. No official announcement has been made concerning a potential season 2. Nonetheless, in a meeting with a South Korean daily paper, Yeo Jin-goo (Han Joo-won) discussed the future of the series. The actor said he would love to see his character Joo-won ten years, later on, working with a new spouse. Later in the exact same interview, he also shared he would like to take on new roles that would give him an opportunity to explore a new dimension of his character.

Yeo Jin-goo especially expressed interest in the genre. So, it looks like even if there’s another installment, the series may move in an entirely new direction and transform into an anthology collection. Considering that a new year would most likely be ordered following a few months of its international debut, the group might need at least a season to finish production. So it is unlikely that we’ll see a new edition anytime in 2022. Therefore, we can anticipate beyond Evil’s season 2 to release sometime in mid-2022.

Beyond Evil Season 2 Cast: Who Can Be In It?

From the first season, the lead actors are Shin Ha-Kyun and Yeo Jin-goo, who portray Lee Dong-sik and Han Joo-won, respectively. Other cast members are Choi Sung-Eun (Yoo Jae-Yi), Chun Ho-jin (Nam Sang-bae), Son Sang-Gyu (Cho Gil-gu), and Choi Dae-hoon (Park Jeong-Je).

Nam Yoon-us (Oh Ji-hoon), Gil Hae-Yeon (Can Hae-won), Choi Jin-ho (Han Gi-hwan), Kim Shin-rok (Oh Ji-Hwa), and Seo Jeong-Shik (Kwak Oh-sub) also play a significant role in the series. But if the show returns with a second season, we may not see them again since a fresh cast may be roped in to tell a new story.

Beyond Evil Season 2 Plot: What Can It Be About?

In the first season, a serial killer is on the loose and is wreaking havoc in the town of Manyang. A recently transferred detective Han Joo-won joins hands with Lee Dong-Sik, a former sergeant that has been demoted. Soon, both have to work to capture the offender, and it seems he or she is mirroring the crimes committed over 20 years ago. Interestingly, both the detectives have secrets and eventually find themselves below the scanner to the case they’re investigating.

From the conclusion of the season, the fact comes to light. Joo-won is heartbroken as Dong-sik requests him to arrest him for obstruction of justice. He is imprisoned for a year and awarded 2 years of probation. Gi-hwan, Congresswoman Do, and Jeong-je will also be brought to justice, but Joo-won is acquitted because he helps to put a halt to the killings. If the show is renewed, we may observe a new pair of detectives come together to solve a twisted crime that touches their lives personally.