Handmaid Tale season 4

The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian television drama series. It is created by Bruce Miller on the basis of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel of the same title. The series has been ordered as a direct order of 10 episodes, for which production started in late 2016 by the streaming platform Hulu.

Before the season 3 final, the Handmaid’s Tale was officially renewed for season 4. Since then we could not stop wondering what will take place when the show comes back. Also, good news coming for all The Handmaid’s Tale fans. Fortunately, after season 3 he revealed that the show was not over. The sources talked with executive producer Warren Littlefield. There are so many queries about the next season even though there is hope for June and other Resistance members. Here’s all we know about The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 until we have more responses:

When will The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4 air?

Season 4 will be aired in 2021 in The Handmaid’s Tale. The new season initially was expected to open in the fall of 2020, but in March production stopped due to the pandemic of the coronavirus. Production resumed in Toronto six months later, in September. In this time around, the audience should expect 10 episodes, one directed by actress Elisabeth Moss (June Osborne). The decision was to be 100 percent imaginative. According to the show manager Bruce Miller, concentrate on a smaller portion of the plot instead of several story lines.

The cast of The Handmaid’s Tale season 4

The Handmaid’s Tale is frequently seen in season four — Elisabeth, Minghella Max (Commander Nick Blaine), Whitford Bradley (Commander José Lawrence), Fiennes Joseph (Commander Waterford), Strahovski Joy (Serena Waterford) and Bledel Alexis (Dr. Emily Malek Ph.D.), Dowd Ann (Aunt Lydia), Fagbenle O-T (Luke Bankole), Brewer Madeline, and Amanda Brig.

Furthermore, the new episode was supplemented by Sam Jaeger, who represented American representative Mark Tuello in seasons 2 and 3. A new face from Netflix The Haunting of Hill House will also be discovered. Actress Mckenna Grace, a girl who governs her farm and household, will perform Mrs. Keyes, a sharply clever wife of an older Commander.

Are there any SPOILERS?

Unfortunately, no. The Season 3 finished with audiences who felt one part soothed and another part nervous, as The Handmaid’s Tale Fans know. While June succeeded in liberating a lot of Gilead women and girls, she’s still there — with a gun shot. And because the children came off the aircraft at that beautiful end, it felt like there was more risk in the fourth season.

Where wilI the Handmaid’s Tale stream?

You can launch a free month-long Hulu trial if you want to catch up with all seasons of The Handmaid’s Tale. You will keep your membership for $5.99 a month after the trial runs out. The handmaid’s tale is now now available for $2.99 for each episode in all three seasons, or $24.99 for the whole season on Amazon Prime.

Till then, enjoy your weekends with the season 1, 2 and 3 of The Handmaid’s Tale on your screen with next level action. Also, stay tuned with PhilSportsNews for all upcoming updates.